Duckling behavior seeming slightly off, advice??


Jun 1, 2024
I've noticed one of my 2 ducklings seems to be slightly wobbly on his/her feet on occasion, along with not running around as much, and peeping quieter. I've watched him//her eat, drink water, preen feathers etc. Just fine. Sleeps with the other duckling as normal. I've noticed it steps on its own feet very slightly when standing/walking sometimes as well (way more frequently than I've observed in the other duckling) my original thought was early signs of niacin deficiency, so I went ahead and added nutritional yeast to their feed. Is there anything else I can do right now? I don't want to stress the little thing out anymore than nessisary so I haven't given it a syringe of anything. But I am also very stressed as a first time duck mom!
:welcome It sounds like niacin deficiency, Nutritional yeast is good to start when they are very young in hopes one won't get the deficiency but for some reason, one will still come down with it. So when we have one showing symptoms we use Liquid B Complex TSC usually carries it it will say injectable but we give it over a small amount of treat to make sure they get the full dose. Usually, they respond well and if it hasn't been going on for very long can see improvment in 3-5 days. Once they are showing significant improvement keep up with the Liquid B Complex for at least another week then you can go back to Nutritional yeast or keep them on the Liquid B Complex. Depending on what breed of duck you have some of tha larger breeds especially Pekin do better being on Nutritional yeast their whole lives.
Here is info and also what dose your duckling will need accroding to age.
Please let us know how the duckling is doing
Did this get resolved? I don't see much posted on it. If not post what you want to figure out and we'll help you.
Hi! Sorry for the delayed update. Pickles (the duckling I mentioned before) seems to be doing better! I added some vitamins to their water, added extra nutritional yeast to his food, and gave him peas separate from his girlfriend pepper. (Pepper Is much larger than pickles, and frankly she goes crazy for peas.) I think part of the issue was the size difference and him not getting as much of the additional vitamin full snacks I'd give them. I still ordered some of that durvet stuff, but by the time it got to me he seems to of improved. I've got it ready just in case tho. Here's a photo of me holding the Lil guy (or gal? 😂) I took earlier this week.


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