Duckling - crop or intestine issues? Please help?


In the Brooder
Jul 5, 2020

so my 4 week old crested duckling has been under the weather since Saturday now. I posted previously and received advice on niacin and grit - both of which I’ve since given him. But after further internet searching and observing I think it may be a digestive issue. He’s lethargic, standing but not walking much, his neck is hunched, watery stools, he’s thrown up a couple of times but not today and the only thing he is interested in eating is mealworms and bugs, he’s drinking lots of water, he also keeps lifting his foot up to his beak area, I don’t know if he is just trying to preen the fur/feathers around his face but it’s almost as if he is trying to push something out of his beak, I’ve tried to get a look in and can’t see anything right in his beak though. Could he have an obstruction in his intestine? last night I gave him some woodlice to eat which definitely came out the other end so I don’t think it’s fully obstructing? Does this sound likely?If so what can I do?! Could it be something in his crop?
Photo is how he’s been hunching

any help very appreciated


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Have you checked his crop? My guess is an intestinal infection.
How do I check this? Everything I find on google is for chickens or adult ducks. Is there any harm in trying antibiotics in case of infection even if I can’t be sure that’s what it is?
You would check the crop of a duckling much the same as an adult, but with more care. If the crop is larger than normal and hard-could be impacted crop. If the crop is soft and squishy-like it's full of water-could be sour crop.

Read the label-if safe for chicks/ducklings, yes, use it and follow the directions precisely. Should the duckling show immediate improvement on antibiotics do not stop the treatment; follow the directions. Some people stop thinking it unnecessary.
You would check the crop of a duckling much the same as an adult, but with more care. If the crop is larger than normal and hard-could be impacted crop. If the crop is soft and squishy-like it's full of water-could be sour crop.

Read the label-if safe for chicks/ducklings, yes, use it and follow the directions precisely. Should the duckling show immediate improvement on antibiotics do not stop the treatment; follow the directions. Some people stop thinking it unnecessary.
Been to the vet to get some antibiotics. I don’t think it’s his crop, and the vet didn’t seem to either. lots of noises coming from him (tummy rumbling). He’s now got antibiotic and niacin supplement in his water, a small selection of foods on a plate, I’ve given him some olive oil, I’ve given him warm baths and massaged his crop just in case, I’m letting him have an hour outside here and there just to get some bugs inside him. Still hunched and not eating any normal food though. I don’t know what else I can do for him 😔
Thanks all. I think it was an intestine blockage - I went to check this morning and he was the liveliest he’s been in 6 days, his poo had a round clump of food in it, then the following ones contained various other bits he was fed earlier in the week so poor thing must have been so uncomfortable. Today he’s got his appetite back and stools looking more normal as time goes on. Unfortunately he has had a couple of seizures this week 😔 I’m not sure if it’s related to all of his tummy troubles or not. It’s worrying but he’s still a million times better than the other day. They last 20 seconds and he’s back to normal around 10 seconds after that. @Isaac 0 I have commented on your Niacin post seeking advice on doses in case that is causing the seizures.
Sorry to hear that.

Could you post a video of her having seizures?

Crested Ducks have vaulted skulls and are often subject to neurological damage which will cause seizures, have you talked to your vet about that? A vitamin deficiency can also cause seizures, specifically thiamine (B1) and vitamin E, less commonly viral and bacterial infections, neoplasms, metabolic diseases, or toxin ingestion.

I would probably start her on Cattle B Complex/Vitamin B Pills, and vitamin E to help rule out a vitamin deficiency. If you give me the brand of vitamin B you have I'll gladly give you a dose. For vitamin E you can give her one 400iu human soft gel capsule a day.

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