Duckling extravaganza *Runner, Saxony, Magpie, and Silver Appleyard*

I'm going to push for him to pick up some runners slugs!

We got them from Johnsons waterfowl in MN. You only have to order pairs if you want them sexed. I think it is pretty great though actually, that way the people that order straight run have a fair chance of not just getting boy. After the muscovy ordeal with all 5 being boys we decided to order pairs so we knew for sure we had some girls.

Pics in a bit...we have puppy problems today. My fault, at dinner time I was putting burger in my oldest schnauzers bowl. Put it in the wrong bowl and fed it to the puppy who has never had beef before. Blah. Puppy poopapalooza is NOT something fun to wake up to. That will teach me to pay attention to what bowl each dog gets lol.

Right, I thought it was Johnson's. Not many places to get Magpies.

Sorry about the puppy! That's both funny & icky!!

Cinder and Ember, these babies are getting so big so fast. They even have some pretty fawn colored feathers already.

And the littles. I couldn't get individual shots tonight they didn't want to hold still for me. Having too much fun running around the room like a race track I guess haha.
Here are a few cell phone shots of Cosmo and Gypsy from a few minutes ago.

Oh is she ever sassy. phew.

Cosmo is still sleeping on me but now under my chin. He is the sweetest little guy.

Cricket the curious.

Nova, boy these Saxony babies are some fluffy little balls of love.That is why there is only one shot of Nova. She spent the rest of the time snuggled in the crook of my neck.
Highly recommend that everybody run order some lol

Cricket again

Not everybody but I'm working on it. Still dealing with the aftermath of giving the puppy the wrong food bowl. Got him stopped up now but...after a day of rest he is hyper as all get out.

Picture of said puppy (cell phone) he is only 14 weeks old (or wait..15 now I think)

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