Duckling Hatch Early and Looks to be struggling to continue hatching


In the Brooder
Aug 7, 2024
I Have a Duck that has Externally piped yesterday and I'm quite worried it might have shrink wrapped since the membrane where it piped has gone yellowish colour. It did crack hole abit larger but it still seams that the membrane is turning yellow and dry. The egg keeps wiggling and on occasion it sticks its beak from the hole and squeaks but this duckling looks like it's stuck. Should I wait another day before assisting?

Humidity does drop quite frequently to about 60% but I'm to worried to open the bator and mist the egg.
It has Also Piped Extrenally early than expected, its day 23 for this duck egg and I worry that the temps of the bator are what causing the membrane to dry out(37.5 Degrees)


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It's normal for the membrane on the pip to dry out some. As long as it is still white under the shell it is not shrink wrapped. Ducklings are very slow hatchers and it can take them 72 hours to fully hatch after pipping. I would give him 48 hours since the initial external pip before you start to investigate and potentially assisting.
It's normal for the membrane on the pip to dry out some. As long as it is still white under the shell it is not shrink wrapped. Ducklings are very slow hatchers and it can take them 72 hours to fully hatch after pipping. I would give him 48 hours since the initial external pip before you start to investigate and potentially assisting.
Well it's the first time hatching ducklings so I haven't experienced much with them, I have watched chicks before but not ducks. This is the first time doing it.
I will try my best to give it more time, I see they are slow hatchers since the duckling has cracked little bit more of the shell.
I just hope he or she makes it through🙏


  • 20240807_145609.jpg
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Well it's the first time hatching ducklings so I haven't experienced much with them, I have watched chicks before but not ducks. This is the first time doing it.
I will try my best to give it more time, I see they are slow hatchers since the duckling has cracked little bit more of the shell.
I just hope he or she makes it through🙏
I can see where a little bit of the shell came off and is white so not shrink wrapped.

Also, are the rollers still on? Can they be removed?
I can see where a little bit of the shell came off and is white so not shrink wrapped.

Also, are the rollers still on? Can they be removed?
Oh yeah, thanks for pointing that out, but because the external pipping happened by surprise 6 days earlier than the actual Hatch date, I was in worry. So yesterday, what I did was I disconnected the roller and placed the egg in this position as it is now since it was facing down towards the resvoir. I just haven't put the layer this incubator comes with to keep the eggs flat from moving. But with the rollers disconnected, the egg does not turn. So don't worry about that.
Just notice there was another crack and the duckling has been trying to push it's beak out abit more and peeping and opening its mouth like its yawing or breathing. Is this normal?
Also when it cracked more of the top it seamed to have tiny bleed.


  • 20240807_181551.jpg
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Just notice there was another crack and the duckling has been trying to push it's beak out abit more and peeping and opening its mouth like its yawing or breathing. Is this normal?
Also when it cracked more of the top it seamed to have tiny bleed.
Yawning means he's still absorbing the yolk sac and not quite ready to start zipping yet. Sometimes they'll hit a blood vessel that's not fully faded. As long as it's just a tiny bit her will be okay.
He was Actually struggling because he came out of his shell about an hour ago.
I helped him by removing bits of the shell and there was no bleeding at all. After I made a line across he popped out of his shell and hatched. He's black duckling btw so cute. I will send an image tomorrow as he needs to dry of
This is him, I believe he's a cayuga Cross since his legs are fully black and his toes are bright orange. He's doing well so far he gets ust to the other chicks in the brooder who are 5 days older than him and they get along very well.


  • 20240808_084108.jpg
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This is him, I believe he's a cayuga Cross since his legs are fully black and his toes are bright orange. He's doing well so far he gets ust to the other chicks in the brooder who are 5 days older than him and they get along very well.
What a cutie! He could have some Swedish in him since he has a bib.

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