I Have a Duck that has Externally piped yesterday and I'm quite worried it might have shrink wrapped since the membrane where it piped has gone yellowish colour. It did crack hole abit larger but it still seams that the membrane is turning yellow and dry. The egg keeps wiggling and on occasion it sticks its beak from the hole and squeaks but this duckling looks like it's stuck. Should I wait another day before assisting?
Humidity does drop quite frequently to about 60% but I'm to worried to open the bator and mist the egg.
It has Also Piped Extrenally early than expected, its day 23 for this duck egg and I worry that the temps of the bator are what causing the membrane to dry out(37.5 Degrees)
Humidity does drop quite frequently to about 60% but I'm to worried to open the bator and mist the egg.
It has Also Piped Extrenally early than expected, its day 23 for this duck egg and I worry that the temps of the bator are what causing the membrane to dry out(37.5 Degrees)