Duckling hatching naturally???


Sep 21, 2024
I just moved back to my mom’s house and they have a male and female Rouen duck and the females been sitting on eggs. I candled them. This one internally pipped and is trying to break the shell do I help it? Do I need to move the chick into a warm area after it comes out do I remove it and help it come out? Do I need to separate from the hen and chicks??

If there’s only one duckling, do I remove it from the Mom? will it die if it’s alone?

Please help. I live in Carmel California and it’s about 55° outside at 7 AM
Duck eggs take a while to hatch, you should not need to assist unless it has been pipped for over 24 hours or even more and nothing has happened. Is there only one egg under her?
three eggs only one I think that’s actually living and it pipped internally over 24 hours ago and egg was cracked but membrane intact barely open a little tiny bit. Is it too cold for it to survive outside with mom?
These eggs have a mother. I'd just let nature take it's course and leave them alone. You got a lot of the same answers on your welcome post too. First time worries are normal, but generally they hatch without us.

I gave you the link there should you for some reason feel the need to assist.

You can't worry now about what sex they are or how many hatch until weeks from now. Make sure you have good crumbles for them with niacin in it or supplement their feed with niacin. That's important for a duckling to be able to grow up healthy.

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