! Duckling leg issue - recent


5 Years
Apr 20, 2019
AR - OZARK Mountains
Here we go again. This duck was purchased from TS on March 16th.
I noticed this a day and a half ago. It is having some difficulty standing. One leg seems to be bothering it and the joint appears a little swollen. When standing still, it stands with one foot in front of the other. When being held, one foot bunches up. Link to video when I pulled it from the rest. No other ducks appear to be having issues. I see nothing that indicates an obvious injury. It is eating and drinking normally. (I have given a crushed aspirin in some water with tomato for pain.) I am not sure which poop belongs to this duck so I can't tell you if it is "normal". My uneducated guess would be a sprain. They are being kept in a spare bathroom (tub). Wood chips at one end of the tub and nothing at the drain end of the tub, where the water is kept. They keep knocking over the water. I started them out on duck starter and have just switched (yesterday) to non-medicated chick starter. I've also added brewer's yeast to the food.

Slow motion video link:
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Is that an anacona(unrelated)

If possible I would give him a ‘brace’ like for chicks with a splayed leg. I would also keep him off slippery serfaces cause that may be how he sprained it.
yes, i agree with having her on a non slippery area.. they have a hard time.. perhpas a towel on the bottom could help- i have to do that for my sweetie with legs issues
Thank you all. I've put shavings on the entire bottom of the tub and splinted the leg.

I got a bunch from TS and I'm told that 3 are anacona but this one has some brown/gold breast feathers coming in as opposed to the other two. I think I got a blue swedish, a golden 300 male and there is one that looks like the blue swedish but is a chocolate color.
Thank you all. I've put shavings on the entire bottom of the tub and splinted the leg.

I got a bunch from TS and I'm told that 3 are anacona but this one has some brown/gold breast feathers coming in as opposed to the other two. I think I got a blue swedish, a golden 300 male and there is one that looks like the blue swedish but is a chocolate color.
that sounds nice.. i hope everything continues to move in a positive direction for your little sweetie. 💕💐
you need to put something on the ground that there feet can get a grip on,cardboard has no grip its slick.you will cause them tendent and muscle damage by letting there legs do that.

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