Duckling not walking

Based on the video do you think the Duckling will make it? I am a bit nervous.
I can’t say for sure, but I don’t think it looks too bad. I would let it rest, and see if it keeps getting stronger. In a few hours you can try the sugar water but don’t force it.

I had one very weak duckling last batch - it hatched around 5 PM, I left it in the incubator until 6 AM the next morning and by then it was perky and doing well.
I think the duckling is tired now, because after the video it payed down but it is definitely moving and chirping every once in a while. One thing that hasn’t stopped is breathing to my eye it seems like he has a normal heart rate and has not been in distressed or at least chirping loudly.
Tried feeding it sugar water right now, he didn’t drink. The duckling is sleeping but moves and chirps occasionally. Is this a good sign?

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