-duckling video- choking? sneeze? blockage? Is something wrong?

I am thinking that she has some sort of respiratory infection or that she inhaled some food.

Thats where I'm heading too, I just can't find a blockage or a lump or anything. She blows in the water too. I haven't seen any throw up. I tried googling the inside of duckling mouth and couldn't find an actual picture. It was lots of photo shop pictures and nothing helpful .

I agree. You can tell by the video the duckling isn’t well. I have a feeling based on how the birds acting, if it doesn’t get treatment it won’t make it.

Same. I don't think she'll make it but I'll remain hopeful . It just it was it is. I will cull if it gets worse with no hopes of getting better. I just can't let her suffer..but don't want to cull if theres a chance. Searching for vet now.

The only time I’ve seen ducks drool is when I pick them up wrong just after drinking a lot and their crop is full. It accidentally gets squeezed and they puke.

I haven't seen drool today yet. Just yesterday in the bath. Very odd.


I'll keep an eye on her, keep her warm, stick with water, nutri drench , wet food and well just see. Hoping for a vet some where close!

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