Ducks and gosling attacked


In the Brooder
Jul 10, 2022
New Mexico
Hello, just last night three stray dogs dug under our fence and got ahold of one of our goslings and a few of our ducks. We, unfortunately, lost one of our hens but we have a drake with an injured wing and another* hen that can barely use her right leg but can't use her left leg at all. The gosling has an injured foot and thigh but isn't as critical as the hen. I was hoping for any advice on what we could possibly do to nurse her back to health if that's even possible. Before we brought her inside, she was propping herself up on her right leg and using her wings to get around. Now that we've brought her in, she won't move either leg and she's been really lethargic. She is drinking water but refuses to eat. She currently has both legs stretched out behind her and her feet are "crumpled." She doesn't have any open wounds or blood that we can see anywhere on her body. We tried doing what we did with the gosling (putting her into some water for temporary relief), but she wasn't moving her legs at all. Instead, she was using her bill to move around by pushing and pulling herself on the sides.

The drake's wing hangs at his side a bit, but he still tries to flap. He's eating, drinking, and interacting with the other ducks normally, his wing is just drooping. I wasn't able to check his wing very well without hurting him so I'm not sure if it's a bite or if the dogs managed to break something in there.

The gosling has a puncture wound on his thigh that I cleaned up and sprayed some Vetericyn on. However, he has a hard time using his left foot. He still tries to walk and run on it, but he ends up falling forward and just laying on the ground every time. His middle toe does look like it may be broken because when he does use his toes to balance, the bend is rather sharp towards the center of the toe. We tried putting on a splint but that didn't work out very well so we put him into some water so that he could take the weight off of that foot temporarily. We currently have him inside napping.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Treat them all for shock. Could you get pics of all of them?
I wasn't able to get a better picture of the gosling's foot/leg.
Quick Update: The hen's legs are now completely stiff. They won't move from the position that she lay down in. She's no longer drinking water and still refuses to eat. She's not making any more noise or flapping her wings. She has absolutely no energy and will just keep her bill in the water without actually drinking anything. I don't think she's going to make it until the next morning and there are currently no vets in our area that are open today. I don't know what to do
Quick Update: The hen's legs are now completely stiff. They won't move from the position that she lay down in. She's no longer drinking water and still refuses to eat. She's not making any more noise or flapping her wings. She has absolutely no energy and will just keep her bill in the water without actually drinking anything. I don't think she's going to make it until the next morning and there are currently no vets in our area that are open today. I don't know what to do
She passed.
How is the drake and gosling?
The gosling is doing really well. The little bugger is as energetic as ever and keeps trying to run around so we put him in the tub to keep him entertained while keeping him off of his foot. We're still not 100% sure what's wrong with it. He's also eating and drinking normally. The wound on his thigh scabbed up nicely as well and looks much better than it did at first. The drake's wing is still the same. He still tries to flap it, but not as much as he was initially. He's still eating and drinking normally. He did, however, start to let his wing droop lower and closer to the ground before lifting it back up to where it currently sits.
And it's ok, you couldn't have known. I'm starting to think that she might've had some internal damage or damage to a part of her spine and that's why her health declined so quickly.

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