You are so lucky to have found not only a place to house your ducks - but a job as well. so many of us cannot find employment that would bring so much enjoyment and satisfaction. Certainly working on the farm has changed your whole outlook on life. Your story is wonderful- proof of how animals can be so important in our lives for so many different reasons.
I loved the part about the secret goings on in the shed- the secret duck business and can well imagine you sitting there in the shadows spying on them to see what was happening. I love just sitting with mine too - outside on the grass and inside the shed at night too. It is such a great way to relax at the end of a day. they never cease to be a constant source of entertainment - what ever ducky thing they are doing.
I loved the part about the secret goings on in the shed- the secret duck business and can well imagine you sitting there in the shadows spying on them to see what was happening. I love just sitting with mine too - outside on the grass and inside the shed at night too. It is such a great way to relax at the end of a day. they never cease to be a constant source of entertainment - what ever ducky thing they are doing.