ducks eating hes gonna choke!

Lol! That's funny cus when we first got our ducks home (we're new duck owners too) the FIRST thing ours did was try to eat the acorns. They would pick up one, chew it for a little bit and then give it up. When it dropped out of their mouth, another one would come along and pick it up. It was like they were playing pass the acorn. I thought it was weird (and hilarious) but apparently it's normal lol.
I've heard eating acorns can change their poop as well, a different color maybe? i don't remember who said it, or what it was exactly, but I'm pretty sure I rememeber someone saying it changed their poop in some way.. lol I know, not very descriptive of me....
My Peking is 5 months old and started laying eggs a few weeks ago. Make sure that she has a good source of calcium. I had forgotten and her third week laying they were soft shelled. She isn't a everyday layer yet but it is also very late in the season. She should do really good next spring. I am also very glad to know that I can throw some acorns in their pen because our driveway is full of them!

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