Ducks meetings ducklings ???


In the Brooder
Jun 19, 2024
I have 2 3 month old Perkins there so sweet I got 2 ducklings about 5 days ago there black with white stomach I want them to meet but I don’t know how my Perkins are going to act to the baby’s I don’t want them to get hurt or worse but I need them to be able to be with eachother they see eachother from a the chicken wire but that’s it any help?
From personal experiance they can only be together supervised. i wait until there fully feathered. that way in case something happens there big enough to protect themselves.. grown ducks sometimes kill ducklings especially drakes.
Deer Trail Duck Farms hit it on the head.

Slowly increase the interval of time together with chaperoning until you are sure they are acclimated to each other. I wouldn't risk this period of time being less than a week. And yes, it will be a good idea to cage the drakes during this period. The time it takes from this can vary but will also be influenced by IF there's food shortages (perceived), or food competition. In the past I took this period of time to acclimate to each other very slowly, and didn't lose any ducklings. But if I'd been reckless I would have lost some.

You also want the ducklings to be large enough that they can get away from the drake. BUT the advantage of this is that pekings are so heavy that its not as hard to get away from them (LOL).
I have 2 3 month old Perkins there so sweet I got 2 ducklings about 5 days ago there black with white stomach I want them to meet but I don’t know how my Perkins are going to act to the baby’s I don’t want them to get hurt or worse but I need them to be able to be with eachother they see eachother from a the chicken wire but that’s it any help?
Do you know if your Pekins are drakes or not. I have two 9 week old Rouen ducks that just sit and stare at my young hens. I keep them separated until they are at least 5-6 months old so they won't hurt them if they do try to mate them. They can kill young hens by mating them too early. I would never put a young female duck in with an older drake even if it is just months apart. That is just my opinion as I don't want anything to happen to my hens. Good luck with your decision.

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