Ducks vs chickens


In the Brooder
Jul 27, 2024
So as season aproaches im starting my plan for more birds. I raised only 6 last year as a practice to see if i will want to continue and i do. Best chicken ive tasted! My BIL and MIL had mentioned wanting to go in on it this year but when i asked my BIL he said he wants ducks šŸ˜…. Now if i do ducks it will be AFTER i do chickens since ive got to build a bigger brooder and a tractor or hoop coop. I might keep one duck to try since ive never had duck, but it will be his money going into the ducks and ill jist be raising them since ive got more space. So anyway, my question is what if anything is different about raising meat ducks than chickens? I know they dont NEED a pool and they will splash water so you have to have tricks to keep them from messing the clean drinking water with their bums, diff feed, deeper and wider water space for the bills, but thats about where im at. If i make a hoop coop for meat chickens can i use that for the ducks? Ive got time before ill do it, but id like to get planning and decide if i will.

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