Nov 18, 2023
I have no idea how much expirience anyone on here has on ducks, but I considering getting my first batch of ducklings, and I have one major question:):
I have a small spring-fed pond behind my chicken coop that I thought would be perfect for the ducks, the only issue is that there are frogs and voles living in/nearby and lots of alge and other water creatures. I live in the northeast, and i was wondering if there were any illnesses that I should be concerned about the ducks getting?
If there are snails and other waterfowl or muskrats, I suppose there could be the larval flukes that cause swimmer’s itch in people? Ducks are their intended host. I only visit the northeast though, and they are not found where I live. So, maybe someone from that area can tell us if that would be an issue.

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