Due to circumstances beyond my control...


10 Years
Mar 25, 2009
... I *will* be picking out three replacement chicks in August

Well, or kind of
since it's only because we lost the favorite and that she was one of my younger girls. So now I'm down to two younger hens, and 5 hens who will be in their third season. So I've got to get some young blood in.

Anyway, I'm thinking this year to get something "sensible" (aka, a heavy producer) to get my numbers up a little and then something fun and colorful, but not horribly deficient in the numbers area. I want help narrowing the field! I plan to get three chicks, of three different kinds. Oh, and I order from Meyer, since they're close, and since my experience has been good so far.

Here's what I already have:
2 silver laced Wyandotte
2 gold laced Wyandotte (these are the "young ladies", in their first laying season)
2 Welsummers
1 Java
And I had a Buff Orp, but because she was special, I'm not ready for another just yet.

As you can tell, I'm a Wyandotte fan.

What I'm looking at for production are:
Golden Buff/Cinnamon Queen/Gold sex-link, whatever you care to call them*
Exchequer Leghorn

What I'm looking for for "fun" and color are:
Barred Rock
Columbian Wyandotte*
Speckled Sussex
Salmon Faverolle
White Rock

I've starred the three that I'm currently leaning toward. But I want to hear all and any arguments for other assortments! The reason I've not included EEs in the list is because I know that getting only one is rather like buying a single lottery ticket -- the odds are well against you.
You could put Barred Rocks on both those lists! They are great layers, and mine lay well even in cold weather.
My white rock is an excellent layer. As well, the cinnamon queen/Gold star is supposed to be a phenominal layer as well. I believe they are a cross with the white rock.
It's interesting that Meyer has them only rated as a 4 eggs a week (and I only put 5+ on the "production" list, just to have a place to draw the line), but then goes and includes them in their production pack where they say that all the breeds in there are 5+. Go figure!
hehe; Turkens AKA: Naked Necks are GREAT layers, fun to watch change, have great personalities & are all different colors..lays a brown egg
I adore my speckle sussex she is wonderful, stays right next to me while i am in the garden and lays beautiful eggs. I love my others too, but she is my fav, along with my buckeye.
Love my barred rocks. They are laying beautiful eggs every day and have great personalities. My golden laced wyandottes are laid back and mellow while my barred rocks are talkative and entertaining. I have 2 who love to hunt for frogs (and small birds who land in the yard!) and they all feel the need to come and talk to me and tell me about their day. They laid all winter as well.

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