Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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I am so sorry to hear that!

I would be so sad without my oven.

One of the stupidest this that I have heard so far.....My son and I were out doing some shopping and he likes to tell people that we have chickens. Well the one time he told a lady that was running the register that we were raising chickens she said Oh....wow very cool. I guess that she noticed that was from up north and she asked where I was from. I told her that I was from New Jersey and that we moved here about 2 years ago. She looked at me and asked....How does a person from New Jersey raise chickens? I just could not control my mouth and I said....well I commute to feed them everyday. She said Oh....that is a long drive from New Jersey to Virginia just to feed chickens. (she said this to me even after I told her that we moved here about 2 years ago.) LOL...
I have a friend who is very city. I live out in the country and most of my neighbors are also chicken people so I don't get silly comments too much here at home. But SHE.....OMILOWERED!!!!! They had a couple of horses die and evidently a neighbor has free ranging chickens and she knows mine free range and I have horses. So she asked me if the horses could get salmonella from free range chickens. I explained in depth why free range chickens were a whole lot LESS likely to be spreading salmonella around and that I thought she needed to look at her pasture and her hay for the culprits. Turns out they got a bad load of hay and it had something very poisonous to horses in it. She's now worried that she'll lose her whole herd.

Just yesterday we had the chicken in the bag vs home raised and processed and she absolutely won't even think of eating a home raised chicken. Same woman won't eat any of my grass fed beef, lamb or goat because they have faces and the meat in the cellophane doesn't have a face. ALLLLLLRIGHTY! ROFL! I think I keep her around because she's funnier than a sit com.
I don't know about where you are but my calves end up costing me about $4 per finished pound. I figure I have about $1600 in a 1000 lb steer and then about $500 to slaughter and process it. I take the finished weight and divide it into my costs and it works out to about $4-5/lb for everything, filet mignon, rib eye, ground meat (7%) not that 25% stuff, roasts, liver, kidneys, pre-pressed hamburger patties with nothing added and usually about 20 lbs of jerky. 1 steer will feed us for a little over a year.
(I'd pay that + some)

The lady that talked about my eggs on TV - after 30-45 minutes of by phone education before hand- said the food changes the eggs color.. can you imagine me running around with little feedbags that are chicken sized?

Here Henny Penny, you get dark brown,

Domino... Domino? come get your blue food...

Ink Jet... your a Marans, you have to eat chocolate colored egg food, not white egg food, get out of Angles bag!
(I'd pay that + some)

The lady that talked about my eggs on TV - after 30-45 minutes of by phone education before hand- said the food changes the eggs color.. can you imagine me running around with little feedbags that are chicken sized?

Here Henny Penny, you get dark brown,

Domino... Domino? come get your blue food...

Ink Jet... your a Marans, you have to eat chocolate colored egg food, not white egg food, get out of Angles bag!

HAAAH, no wait, you're a Marans you need a Hershey bar.....those eggs have been a bit light, maybe I better make it an 80% cacao bar......I have EEs that lay blue, light mint green, olive, and pink eggs. I'm like you, ok Petunia you get the raspberries for your pink eggs, Minolta you get the mint and kale for your green eggs and YOU Olive, get those lovely Spanish olives (unstuffed of course, can't have the pimento changing the color) for your OLIVE colored eggs.....Oh and Baby, you get the Blue Berries for those lovely blue eggs! Sure, I have time for that! And I feed everyone else angelfood and marshmallows to keep those eggs pristine......RIGHT!
So then I can feed mine dark cherries and get bright red eggs!!!

I need to mess with non chicken people more, I am fairly sure I can get them all to believe this. I will just tell them that they feed the chickens used for store bought white eggs marshmallows and brown eggs processed coco powder and how that is why the eggs are so unhealthy. And how I feed mine blueberries and bark so they are healthy since it is all natural. I know I can get at least one person to buy this. ( I have two EE's and a SLW so prob blue and brown eggs)
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Was talking to a local guy about my chickens and overall I thought he knew a thing or two about raising livestock as he's had rabbits, chickens, guinea hens, etc.

So I tell him I don't have a rooster and don't plan to get one. I said how lots of people think you need a rooster to get eggs from your hens but you really don't.

His eyes got enraged and he just yelled, "That's absolute Bull$#@t!" (practically spitting on me yelling so loud.) "If you don't get a rooster you won't have eggs!"

Me: No, really that's just an old wives...

Him: (Cutting me off) "Bull$#@t! Who ever told you that doesn't know what the he|| he's talking about!"

How do you argue with that? You can't convince someone like this guy!
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