My two week old chicks were doing the same.. I went to the beach and brought home some fine sand and put it in a big shallow round Tupper-ware dish inside of an accessible cardboard box with higher sides. They seem to be eating it like grit but haven't started bathing in it yet... but it took them a while to even investigate it.. This sand has been rained on a lot and blew into an area of easy access . I've learned to trust that these animals are born with natural smarts about what they can and can not do.. but as a mere human I admit I do sometimes worry. I also brought my whole flock 12 hens and 2 roos.. into my dinning room where my big brooder that I'll use to integrate is set up.. They were all so cute looking at the chicks. I'm sure they have been able to hear them since they arrived as their coop is not too far from the house.