Early February 2016 Hatch - Who's In?

Help please! Two of my chicks just hatched and have like a red ball protruding from their belly! Not sure what happened or what to do, their both very lively but it concerns me!

Are they recovered?
They are adorable - what breeds? I am horribly bad at identifying baby chick breeds unless they have 5 toes :/
It's ok. I got 1 Americana 1 Cuckoo Maran and 2 Golden laced Wyandottes. There was a ton of the dark Wyandotte chicks and this little dusty brown one came out of no where and jumped up. She was mine fast.
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Are they recovered? :fl

They are doing great! It's mostly dried up, and smaller now. I did have one die, he seemed to have spraddle leg, and kept throwing his head back and falling backwards, I tried realigning them with a bandaid, but then he would fall over and both legs would go straight out behind him. Plus I think there was something wrong with his lungs, there was a popping sound when he would breathe, he only lasted one day, poor baby!
They are doing great! It's mostly dried up, and smaller now. I did have one die, he seemed to have spraddle leg, and kept throwing his head back and falling backwards, I tried realigning them with a bandaid, but then he would fall over and both legs would go straight out behind him. Plus I think there was something wrong with his lungs, there was a popping sound when he would breathe, he only lasted one day, poor baby!

Poor thing, I've had few of those over years both my own and hatchery day olds - always sad. So happy to hear the others are doing well!

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