Early molting = bad winter?

I have three 4 year old Black Australorps. One of them stopped laying in June and started losing feathers about the same time. Now all three have stopped laying and have the porcupine look on their necks.

I'm hoping for a cold snowy winter to help reduce the number of mice, squirrels, and other small critters, because there are way too many this year!

Where did you hear about a warm winter?

It certainly seems true for my three. The rest of the birds are 3 years old and 1 year old. They are not molting. Some are not laying, but it's not related to a molt.
I get news/weather forecast/updates on my phone, so I know what's coming.
My apple trees started shedding there leaves early this year as well. This seems to be an indicator of an early fall/winter as I've seen the same pattern last year, except with oak, & maple trees.

Aren't plants triggered by light levels as well?

July seems very early for any plant. Is there a chance of disease causing early leaf shed?
Don't plant diseases spread rampantly in a geographical area? I wonder if any local arborists have opinions on this phenomenon.
Not really actually.

Only plant disease we see on occasion makes spotting on pumpkins, squash, & cucumbers. But those haven't effected harvest.
Not really actually.

Only plant disease we see on occasion makes spotting on pumpkins, squash, & cucumbers. But those haven't effected harvest.

Our local arborists make a big deal about tree diseases, it's on signs everywhere, that's why I asked.
Of course, I think in my area, some of them are crooks, because live oak wood fetches a good price for the live edge slabs, and they "haul it away for free", while most of the trees still look green and healthy to me :idunno
You know I've been seeing a lot of plants bloom early and fruit/stop fruiting early. I've also been saying it's going to be an interesting year...they say I'm wrong but so many plants and such are already doing later season things! also the geese are already back too?? weird stuff for sure

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