Easter Egger Roosters?

I have an EE rooster and he is very good to his hens, I just love him. But every animal is going to be different so theres no real way of knowing what your roo might be like. Just try one out, if hes mean, he can be dinner!
Since EEs are crossbred, you can get a huge variety of temperaments in the roosters. My only EE roo that has grown past 4 months is an absolute, perfect sweetheart to both hens and people.
I've heard of REALLY aggressive ones though, both to hens and people.
I have an EE roo and he seems ok to me so far, but he is still young 6 months old. He seems ok with me so far. He lets me pet him and pick him up. The one time he did peck at me to leave him alone, it was not hard at all more like a stop that! We just finally got them out in to their yard this weekend. He seemed really good about keeping the girls with him. The girls would sometimes separate and he would get all concerned until they were back together. It was kinda funny too, there were hawks circling over the yard, (don't worry it's covered) and they would all run for the coop. The roo would stick his head out to see if the coast was clear or not.
LOL! If the hawks were gone they would come back out, if not he'd pull his head back in and check again in a little while. It was cute! So, so far I've had a good experience. But I guess time will tell.
Some are great, some are not so great. My one experience with an EE roo was Not.So.Great, and he ended up in the stew pot.
We have an EE roo that we rescued as an adult. He's the first and only rooster I have ever been around. He stays far away from us in the coop/run, but he doesn't attack us either. I call him a whiny baby, because if he gets scared he faces the corner and starts whimpering- just like the silly leghorns we have. In my inexperienced opinion, I would say he's a good rooster.
I just got mine a couple of weeks ago from a BYC member. He's absolutely beautiful. He's very, very protective of his hens and he hasn't warmed up to us yet. He's a big bird so a little intimidating to have to get past to collect eggs. I have to keep him busy to get them feed or clean the coop. I just put him in with a BR and one of my Game hens to see what I get later on.
I did get a compliment on him yesterday. They were changing all of the meters in my area, so had workers in my backyard. One of the man looked at him and said he was a really cool looking rooster. Now if I can just work on his attitude. LOL
I raised, trained and showed (off and on) dogs for over 40 yrs. I better be able to mellow out this guy.
Oh. My guy was listed as a Silver Ameraucuna, but members said he was an EE. I wanted him anyway. Like I said, he is beautiful.
Yeah, ours is too! Especially the first week we had him. He crowed non-stop. Now he just waits til about 3 am to start.

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