Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

I have two 'olive egger' NN's with straight combs that lay olive eggs. Shocked the you know what outta me as I thought they would lay brown eggs with that comb. (and I saw one of them lay one, so I KNOW it was her egg)..

Some of my pea combed EE mixes lay brown eggs. Other than that, out of all my EE/AM chickens, only the pea combed birds lay colored eggs. But I know nothing about genetics, I just like purty eggs and purty birds. :)

My hubby being stared down by my Olive Egger NN. :)

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Featherz, do the naked necks have an easier time in the heat? Do they get sun burned? Just curious.
She could be, but she is not likely to lay a colored egg if she is. My first thought is a Penciled something, maybe a rock? She may be a cross, her marking are not quite right for a penciled. She is pretty. Does she have a middle toe nail? I don't see one on either foot....
The guy I bought her from had some Barred Rocks, and one Brahma hen...so I'm thinking it must be a combo (even if this one doesn't have feathers on it's legs)...the rock rooster must of jumped the fence or vice-versa, haha. I find it's such a beautiful bird, trying to figure out the mix so I could reproduce it. The black feathers on its back shine green, blue and purple in the sun, it's amazing! And her feathers are like silk...craaaaazy soft!
She has no middle toe nails, no...it's been like that since I got her as a chick. At first I thought other chicks had pecked at her nails or something...but it just never grew back?! She isn't affect by it at all, so no worries
LOL, no sunburn yet, but yes, they seem to do much better in the heat. And mine lay green eggs, even better! :)

Yay, green eggs go great with ham too!

I've read that the pea comb gene and the gene for blue eggs are located very close together on the chromosome. They are not "linked" but because they are so close together, they often are inherited together. Other combinations are not precluded, just less likely. I'm not very knowledgeable about chicken genetics, but have taken some courses about genetics in general.

It's my understanding that green eggs are the result of blue shelled eggs being "coated" with brown. The inside of the green egg shell should look blue. (Are yours like that?) It's the same idea that brown eggs are actually white shells "coated" with brown toward the end of the laying process. The inside of brown eggs show the white shell.

My EE isn't laying yet. Still waiting
and I am anxious to see what color she lays. The neighbor's EEs from the same hatchery are sort of a dull greyish-green. Very little blue showing inside the shell.
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