Easter Egger?

Easter Eggers are always fun to watch grow! I'm still waiting for my 3 to lay so I can find out what color.

I would be interested to see your little one's development! What pattern/coloring she turns into.
I will update! And here are some of the others in the batch
Yeah I’m pretty sure the black and white is a pullet but I’m still trying to figure what breed or crosses. Just looks so different than what I’m use to but the other pullets are definitely legbar cross Easter eggers
Yeah I’m pretty sure the black and white is a pullet but I’m still trying to figure what breed or crosses. Just looks so different than what I’m use to but the other pullets are definitely legbar cross Easter eggers
Yours has the same "eyeliner" that my EE had when she was younger. This what she looked like as a baby and what she looks like now. Maybe yours will look similar?


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