
Jul 10, 2024
I recently found a local farm who sells pullets for a great price ... so the crazy chicken lady ( ME) šŸ¤£ added a few more to her flock! I got 1 easter egger for my son .. I'm not sure who's more excited to see what color she'll lay šŸ¤£ i was recently told you can tell the egg color by the ears. Which i know is true for brown and white egg layers but I didn't know that was true for Easter eggers since they lay different colors! Can u help me determine what color she may lay?


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Earlobe color doesn't determine egg color. It will be a surprise!
That's exactly what I thought. But was told today that the chick hatchery's have them listed in catalogs as blue egg layers green egg layers etc by looking at their ear... I can't wait for the surprise šŸ˜Š I'm really hoping for a blue egg!
But was told today that the chick hatchery's have them listed in catalogs as blue egg layers green egg layers etc by looking at their ear...
The hatcheries know what color the eggs will be because they know the breeds. An Easter Egger is a mixed breed so we don't know what color eggs it will lay.

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