eating all the eggs!!!

You NEED to change their diet... ... but like said - they may just always try to eat their eggs now...

This should help you: (it has a lot of good tabs on different feeding recipes) ...

1. Grains (whole, living grains are way better than cracked, and a mixture is way better than pure corn)
2. Greens (grass! weeds! fresh veggie parings from kitchen!)
3. Protein (in summer, they get enough bugs -- but in colder weather they need protein supplementation, including perhaps the following: yellow-jackets from restaurant traps, soybeans -- see below, worms, milk, meat --- but sea fish is the very best)

... About Protein

Producing a huge lump of protein in the form of an egg every day doesn't leave room for erratic protein consumption.
(so the "meat scraps" that you feed to provide protein aren't consistent enough to provide an adequate amount of protein... most likely why thy are eating their eggs -to get that protein they just laid, back).
No, He can eat the layer mix along with the hens.

Who told you they can live on just corn?? Moldy corn will kill your chickens and is not visible to the naked eye.
Feed a good layer mix and you will reap the rewards with healthy birds and alot of nice fresh eggs.
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