I certainly know what it's like getting a mower hung up in wire; been there way too many times myself. A real PITA to clear.
Fortunately, it wasn't a pain in the hands. I did not get all of the wire out yet, but I did not use gloves when removing what I could. No excuse. I just didn't want to. Didn't get a single cut.
Today I will wear gloves (and use wire cutters). :lau Heather made me promise. She almost came through the phone to knock some sense into me.
Remember, it's all the cows' fault.
Hug a cow!
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Good morning all! I was planning to go back to bed but the morning poultry pests kept me busy for too long. All the turkeys wanted their morning snuggles. Romeo kept chasing the other toms away so he could have me to himself. Cuddles and Eve each demanded a hug, and the babies insisted on getting in on the action. Misty needed held and Azul wanted to get the nail polish off my toes. When I escaped the turkey coop, the geese needed their dose of attention and followed me around yelling until I stopped to pet them and talk to them for a minute. Finally, I made it back to the porch to head in and there's a little cotton ball, standing at the top of the steps talking and letting me know that she's there. Little Sylvia, patiently waited, taking a little nap while I went in to make her eggs. Now it's too late to go back to bed lol.
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But they're so cute! How can you be scared of those dewy eyed darlings?
My grandpa had one cow that as soon as she saw me, she'd run me down. I was like 5-6. I guess she didn't like me. :confused: I believe that happened a couple of times. And then they shipped her. I'd stay on the tractor and she'd come up there trying to get at me.
Silly cow.:p
My grandpa had one cow that as soon as she saw me, she'd run me down. I was like 5-6. I guess she didn't like me. :confused: I believe that happened a couple of times. And then they shipped her. I'd stay on the tractor and she'd come up there trying to get at me.
Silly cow.:p
Shh. I'm trying to get MC to like 'em.

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