Effective squirrel repellant to keep them out of the coop


8 Years
Mar 7, 2016
Virginia, USA
I moved my feeder inside the coop to keep critters from coming in at night and *thought* the squirrels wouldn't be so bold. I was right in the former, wrong in the latter.

I've been shooting squirrels with my bb gun for months as a deterrent, but it's been mildly effective. Just makes them run when I touch the window. Doesn't kill them but it probably stings really bad.

I use mouse magic-like product and like the way it works repelling by scent/irritant and being cleanly packaged in a baggie. I was wondering if anyone knew of a product similar for squirrels that I could put in the coop.
I know of nothing that deters squirrels for the long term. Once they know where food is available, they will be back and they will stop at nothing. A vigilant rooster might help. Setting up a station elsewhere, with cheaper food stuff might help, too. Otherwise the only choice I know of is to keep the chickens in a squirrel proof coop and run full time.
Start by closing up the coop with hardware cloth. It will keep the squirrels at Bay, and keep predators out. What food do you use? Scratch and grains are extremely appealing to squirrels. Crumble less so. The only repellant I've had any luck with is Repels-all. Works somewhat on squirrels. The downside is it uses dried blood and putrid eggs. There's no real odor to humans. But it can attract other things like racoons and skunks. If it's an option where you are, upgrade to a decent pellet rifle. The only way I had success with squirrels here was to reduce the population. Good luck.


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You could set out rat poisoning. My uncle has commercial chicken houses and sets rat poison in his. If I was putting poison out I wouldn't let my chickens be able to get to it though.
Thanks for the replies. I've heard of repelz-all and know most deer/squirrel repellents use that line of scent.

My coop is small and basically just for egg laying and sleeping. They have a big run and two of them fly it often and take to the yard. It's a 4ft fence to keep dogs out. I have a pop door secured with two barrel latches at night to keep predators out and there's basically no issue there.

I keep a hanging feeder with crumble in the coop.

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