Effects of calcium w_vit D on non eggbound birds?


14 Years
Apr 2, 2010
Sullivan, IL
Is there any danger in giving calcium pills if a bird is not egg bound?

I have a 26 week old legbar pullet who is clearly not feeling well. She's sitting hunched in the run, moves more slowly than usual, and is shaking (especially after handling). I haven't seen any unusual droppings but she does have some urates stuck to her butt feathers. She is still eating some, maybe less than usual but still has enough energy to assert her dominance over the other girls and get pick of the treats (peppers).

Only 3 of our 6 pullets are laying and I'm not 100% sure which ones. But this pullet was investigating the nest boxes the other day so I believe she is one of my current colored layers. We got the first egg (olive green) 10 days ago. We got the first light blue egg yesterday. So if she's laying she's either laid 4 eggs or one egg.

Symptoms started this morning. I just gave her 1/4 325mg aspirin this evening. I'm not sure what I can do for her not knowing what exactly is wrong with her.
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You can safely give calcium with D 300-600 mg daily once or twice just to rule out egg binding. It won’t hurt her. Is her tail always straight out or down lately? Will she eat some scrambled egg or mushy wet chicken feed?
Thank you! No, her tail is usually more upright, she's definitely holding it down.

Eta: she seems a lot less painful after the aspirin. I did give the Calicim/vit D. Her crop didn't feel that much less full than everyone else's, but I will offer feed soaked in warm water tomorrow just to encourage her to eat.
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