Efforts to Halt the National Animal Identification System "to Court"

They only alot so much money for those programs so you can't bankrupt them that way.

I agree with this! So little of the problems are actually present on the "farm".

Premisis ID is here in WI. While it is "voluntary" if you want to do/ship anything you have to register. Even for showing at the fair you need a Presmis ID! It maybe useful for identifying what animals are in a specific area in case of a diesease outbreak but, to make us tag and report each animal? That is just plain crazy!
NAIS won't do a thing for a disease outbreak.

All the disease outbreaks, Avian Flu, Newcastle, etc, have taken place in those large factory farms, not on small farms or backyards. While they want Joe Average and his kids to ID every chicken, turkey, duck, llama, pony, etc, on their property, the factory farms are only required to ID their poultry by LOT. A 'lot' can be 10,000 birds or more, one ID. The same applies to feedlot cattle, the source of the 'hot' E. coli 01757:H7.

It's just another way to control the food supply and collect a lot of tax money doing it.

Do you know how your politicians vote? If not, WHY not? Find out. If you don't like the answer, vote the SOBs out of office.

Do you know how your politicians vote? If not, WHY not? Find out. If you don't like the answer, vote the SOBs out of office.

Exactly! I know who's on the naughty list.
Check out the nonais web site to see where your elected officials sit on this very important topic, that impacts every one of us on this site.

We had a Pseudo Rabies outbreak in pigs near here and they used the premisis ID to identify the places that had pigs in the area (large and small) and then did the testing. It had been caused by wild pigs so each pig in the area needed to be tested whether it was a closed group of pigs or one where they had recently bought in pigs.

I DO NOT agree with individual animal ID's though. That is going to far and is to costly!

Edited because I can't type this morning!
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