Jo Plescow
In the Brooder
Hi all, Phoenix, Az is having a record breaking heat wave with over 20 days straight of 110+ degrees. My five chicken just reached 18 weeks between June and July. I have one so far, a barred rock, laying daily and doing well. Unfortunately about a week ago my silver laced Wyandotte passed while in her nest box trying to lay her first egg. I can only assume she was egg bound because I did find an egg in her and I can assume the heat has not been easy on them although I do have plenty of cooling systems in the coop and run (a/c unit, 3 fans, misters, free ranging under the trees daily). Is it common for them to be egg bound on their very first egg?! I know it can happen but I never expected it for their first egg? And now I’m nervous because they’re about 24 weeks today and my black star has still not laid any and my two silkies who are about 20 weeks haven’t yet either but I feel like I have to keep a close eye on them so I don’t lose more. I have cameras in the coop and in the run so I know it’s been the barred rocks eggs every time but I’m just worried I could be doing something wrong and I don’t want to lose another if it can be avoided by making any changes? Please help!