Egg bound need advice 😭


Apr 19, 2024
Currently sitting in the bathroom with my duck ravioli. She has an egg that was stuck the other day. She passed the shell soft and I found the rest of the egg elsewhere. I gave her calcium gluconate for the first time yesterday. Now one day later, she's noticeably slower and her butt is sagging.

I currently have her in the bathtub with peas. I'm going to give her a calcium dose again. Anything else I can do? I don't feel an egg or anything. I was going to let her float for an hour. What else can I do in case she doesn't pass anything?
Defiantly give another dose. She could have another egg to lay. Give her as much warm water floating time as she enjoys.
I am unsure now if she's egg bound
Had her float for an hour and now she's out with the girls again. Last week I was skeptical when she had one stuck. I had half the shell come out by itself, then the other part came out when I was floating her. I found the egg membrane and yolk next to her so I'm assuming it was stuck that was the rest of jt. If a duck lays inside thenselves I assume it doesn't come out like an egg where you can see the yolk it would be more of a liquid is that right?
I am unsure now if she's egg bound
Had her float for an hour and now she's out with the girls again. Last week I was skeptical when she had one stuck. I had half the shell come out by itself, then the other part came out when I was floating her. I found the egg membrane and yolk next to her so I'm assuming it was stuck that was the rest of jt. If a duck lays inside thenselves I assume it doesn't come out like an egg where you can see the yolk it would be more of a liquid is that right?
I don't understand what you mean. When my ducks lay a soft shell the egg comes out and the yolk is inside the membrane or the membrane breaks and the yolk runs out. If an egg breaks inside of a duck the white and the yolk will drain out but its hard for the shell to get out.
If you can keep her separated from the others but where they can still see each other so you can make sure she is laying or not laying.

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