Egg bound?

I'm glad she's better today.
I wasn't sure if that was the one she was working on yesterday or another one.
It's good that she was able to lay that.

Just keep the Calcium going and see how it goes.
Oh! Yes! I am very glad she got it out. Can’t belive she worked on it all night poor thing.
Thank you so much for your help. Scrambie and I appreciate it very much. ♥️
Well, I'm sad to report we are still here. She has not been laying but maybe once a week if that and the last one was eaten so I'm assuming was also very thin. We have been on the calcium since this post every day at 400mg once a day. she has been acting normal until today and we are back to standing around and not by the others. Tail is mid but not down. Should I look past the calcium and assume there is something bigger going on after the tape worm? I have a waterer out there with poultry cell for the first time and not sure if that is needed snd just starting to wonder if she will be ok
Well, I'm sad to report we are still here. She has not been laying but maybe once a week if that and the last one was eaten so I'm assuming was also very thin. We have been on the calcium since this post every day at 400mg once a day. she has been acting normal until today and we are back to standing around and not by the others. Tail is mid but not down. Should I look past the calcium and assume there is something bigger going on after the tape worm? I have a waterer out there with poultry cell for the first time and not sure if that is needed snd just starting to wonder if she will be ok
Likely there is something else going on if she's still having a hard time.

She may be working on another egg if she's not laid one in a good while, you can try giving her 1 tablet extra calcium in addition to what you've given to see if that helps her out.
Ok. I’ll try another calcium would be 800 mg. I feel so defeated. The egg she put out was long, large and had a flat spot and almost white. Not blue like she would normally lay. I am about to do safe guard for fall- should I hold off? Take her to vet? Maybe egg depositing in cavity? Egg drop? I’m just baffled.
If vet care is an option, that would be a good idea.

If she's molting, then I would not use the safeguard, it is known to affect feather quality in molting birds.
I have her scheduled. I also noticed that the tape worms back in at least 3 hens. I thought we got it but I guess that could be a contributor wit worm overload?
Did you use Praziquantel to treat for the Tapeworms, given once, then followed up in 10-14 days?
Yes, and everything looked good for the past two weeks then one presented and then today 3 more. We have a crazy amount of crickets and I’m thinking that might be the culprit

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