
Jan 21, 2025
Castle Hayne, NC
I have one olive egger, Tink, and one ameraucana, Wendy, in a blended flock of (now) 15. I raised Tink and Wendy together from chicks, and only one (assuming Tink) lays blue-ish/green-ish eggs. It’s been months since I’ve seen an egg that color. Did she stop laying at 2 years old, or did the color of her eggs change? I’m confused.
A blue shell may fade, but usually stays blue/green.
Any pics of her eggs from before...and of her??
How many months since you've seen one?
Do they free range?

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Her eggs have consistently been this color since she’s started laying. She’s full feathered and seems healthy. They mostly free range, and the coop is 8’ x 24’ with the run. It’s been about 3-4 months since I’ve seen an egg that color… It’s weird, right? Or just me? I get the fluctuation in egg production, but for this long and her being only 2 years old??

Thank you!

It’s been at least 3 months since I’ve seen a blue egg. They mostly free range, depending on weather conditions, and their coop has a run giving them more than enough space. I’ll try to find a pic of her and
I have one olive egger, Tink, and one ameraucana, Wendy, in a blended flock of (now) 15. I raised Tink and Wendy together from chicks, and only one (assuming Tink) lays blue-ish/green-ish eggs. It’s been months since I’ve seen an egg that color. Did she stop laying at 2 years old, or did the color of her eggs change? I’m confused.
I have wondered if this could happen. Looking forward to seeing the answers you get to this question!
3-4 months is a long break but not out of the range of normal. 3 months ago would have been late October. It’s possible that she simply stopped laying due to molt and if you’re not using artificial light she simply isn’t getting enough daylight hours to trigger her egg laying hormones. Make sure she has the best quality feed you can reasonably afford and plenty of clean water to drink and she’ll likely start laying again soon as the days get longer.
It’s winter, days are short and she’s two so probably taking the break her body needs. I wouldn’t worry unless she’s exhibiting signs of illness.

Keep in mind hens only have so many eggs to lay in their lifetime. It is normal for things to slow down as they age and eventually they may not lay any eggs at all.
3-4 months is the normal winter break. It usually starts with molt and end when daylight hours get longer. It depends on the hen how long those daylight hours need to be. Where you live will affect what your day light hours are
You said she free ranges. It's possible she's laying "out" - laying somewhere other than in the nests in the coop. To remind her where she is supposed to lay her eggs, you might keep her confined to the coop for a week or two. Or at the very leadt, keep her confined until late in the afternoon before letting her out. Do you have a run attached to the coop that you can keep her in? If she were my bird I would keep her in the coop until about 3 in the afternoon and in the run the rest of the day, for about 2 weeks.

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