egg is stuck inside skin and is hanging on the hens bottom

ok we are up this morning, rosey seems ok except the obvious of course. my delima this morning is this. when i take her to the vet, if they say she will continue to do this and it would be best to youthenize. should i let them or should i press on?
I completely understand your heartache. I adore my pets. But you have to think of their best interest as, unlike humans, they cannot communicate how they are feeling. If the vet feels that this will continue to happen, let Rosie know you love her, but you are also thinking about what is best for her. The only other thing I would press for, which I'm not sure is an option, is getting her fixed. Do they call it spaying on a bird? I know someone else brought that up as an option. Of course I don't know how expensive it would be or how she would feel after. My thoughts are with you and your girl. *HUGS*
For both your sakes I vote "press on". While you are at the vet find out what they charge to spay a chicken. She obviously is more pet than egg producer, therefore spaying may just be the answer if you can swing it budget-wise. A prayer's gone out to you.
I had never heard of this, so this has been very interesting and informative. Myself, I would have her spayed. She is your pet, and if the eggs aren't that important, then that's the option I would take. Then I'd get another layer! Best of luck for you and Rosie, keep us posted ok?
the3ofus+oursixchicks :

ok we are up this morning, rosey seems ok except the obvious of course. my delima this morning is this. when i take her to the vet, if they say she will continue to do this and it would be best to youthenize. should i let them or should i press on?

If they say that it would be best to euthanize I'd say press on to keep her and get a healthy egg layer.​
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I am so sorry for all you and Rosie are going through. From the way you have taken care of her and the love you obvisly have for her, I would say get her fixed if you can. If you cannot afford that then if the vet says to put her down I would let the vet do it. You can hold her while she falls asleep in your arms. I had to do that with a dog of mine. She was hit by a car and hurt beyound a prayer. I held while she passed and then took her and buried her my self. It was very hard to do and I still miss her, but the hurt does ease as time passes. Good luck to you both and I am hoping to hear good news later today.
ok we are back. i went to a different vet than i did monday they were just not that friendly. anyway i looked on the internet and searched for vet and found one that actually has worked on chickens before. ok he removed the egg he came out and talked to me. told me about her straining and said he wanted to put (he called it something) basically he stitched around her vent sewed it enough to where she could poop but she wouldnt prolapse. he told me alot of things that could happen if he didnt. that her whole insides could come out and she go into shock and die. i do not want that. so we are supposed to go back friday morning and have that taken off. he said she should be fine. i forgot to ask him if she would lay normal after this. but he probably would have said i cant tell you that just have to wait and see. i ask him if it would be worth it to do all this by that i was meaning if she continues to lay eggs this way. he said he did not want to put her to sleep. he talked like she would be fine. he said keep her in the dark but it didnt have to be total darkness. just low light. he even said that 4 to 6 hrs. of sunlight would not make her lay( i dont plan on taking that chance though) i know she is wore out and hurting she has to be. shewwwww it has been along week. but i pretty much know if i cant get her fixed then this is probably my last thing i can do for her. she cant keep laying like this and having her bottom cut and sewed cut and sewed. i love her too much. it is hard to make decisions like that because you always wonder maybe if i had waited one more day. thats why yesterday when i called the vet i took her to mon. any way they were closong in like 10 min. the vet said you can bring her and we can cut it out again or you can have her put to sleep. give me a break how can i decide that in 30 min. i said i dont know what to do i just dont know what to do. she just bluntly said well you are going to have to make a decision. i said i know but in 10 minutes. i am so glad i waited because i was really thinking on saving her from anymore pain. i am so glad i waited. and the outcome maybe the same but i feel i have done maybe my best hopefully i have. and he only charged me 40$. super nice really concerned about her. see that other vet was have it cut out or put to sleep. this one didnt want her put to sleep. we have a long few days ahead of us. i did check about having her spayed and this other vet said they do it at the university of tenn. so i would imagine that would be a arm and a leg. which i dont have to spare. i mean are just regular folks. i stay home with out daughter she has a mild form of autism that is called aspergers syndrome. so we homeschool. my husband has a regular job nothing fancy so we are really limited to what can be done. who knows i might could call and check it out and it may be 25$ who knows. thanks again to all my friends i have made here. i will keep posting. rosey was drinking this morning and ate some crackers to. not so much now but im sure its cause all she went through this morning. the vet couldnt guarantee she wont lay an egg before he takes that off friday i just have to pray she doesnt.

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