egg is stuck inside skin and is hanging on the hens bottom

the3ofus+oursixchicks :

ok in the morning i am planing on soaking her in warm water and a little soap to get her cleaned up. she isnt bleeding but there is a pinkish liquid dripping. im sure its a little blood and what ever else. she is pooping. but this is alright that i wash her right. and then coat it with something?

Yes, keeping the area clean is important. A gentle washing will clean away anything that could cause infection, and allow you to see if things are healing the way they should. And coating it with vaciline(sp?) should help protect the area from getting dirty too quickly.​
When my hen prolapsed I kept her in a cat carrier with food and water, covered with a towel for three days. Yes it sucked for her, but it's better than laying again and making it worse.
On the fourth day she was 'holding it all in' so I let her out with her flock, but brought her in early and back into the dark crate. I have been keeping her time with her flock (in the light) limited to 8am-5:30pm for a month and she has not laid since. I'm trying to simulate winter by doing this, seems to be working.

I attempted to wash her and clipped off the poop clogged clumps of feathers. I also clipped the feathers around her vent and below it so when she pooped it wouldn't get dirty again.

I did push the prolapse back inside her so I could spray her rear end with blue kote (you're not supposed to let it get on mucus membranes). So that the area it would touch was all disinfected when the prolapse came out again. I would gently push it back in every time I saw it out when I checked on her (twice a day, didn't want to disturb her too much). I only had to do it three times.
morning to all, we are ok this morning. i kept rosey in my bathroom all night. i plan to keep her there today. i put a dark sheet over my window in there and its like dark. i know its for the best but i HATE it for her. i do turn the light on from time to time to get a look at her. it does look better this morning but its still out a little. i am going to get her cleaned up and i will nedd light for that. is that ok?? so i dont need to go in there and spend time with her? she is used to sitting in my lap and me being there with her.
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the3ofus+oursixchicks :

morning to all, we are ok this morning. i kept rosey in my bathroom all night. i plan to keep her there today. i put a dark sheet over my window in there and its like dark. i know its for the best but i HATE it for her. i do turn the light on from time to time to get a look at her. it does look better this morning but its still out a little. i am going to get her cleaned up and i will nedd light for that. is that ok?? so i dont need to go in there and spend time with her? she is used to sitting in my lap and me being there with her.

a little light won't hurt her. It takes a lot of light to stimulate egg production.​
the3ofus+oursixchicks :

ok i was getting worried that she didnt need to see light for 2 to 3 days/ wheeeeew i felt sorry for her.

Not quite, sorry if we weren't clear enough. The idea is to keep her in the dark most of the day. Birds that are active during the day will automatically want to sleep if it's dark, so they relax and stay quiet in the dark. With chickens it has the added bonus, in this case, of stopping egg production if 'daytime' is shorter than 'night time'. In this case it's necessary to over exagerate it to make sure egg laying is interupted, and to make sure she isn't too active as to slow her healing. She will of course need light to eat, drink, get bathed, and have a little tlc time with you.​
ok we just cleaned up. i couldnt get every thing off of her will that be ok? i also put a little granulated suger on the prolapse not much. i read on here about honey, didnt have any honey so i also read about sugar. she pooped and it was some what bloody. she made a grunting noise when she pooped also, is that normal? i clipped some of the feathers back there. this is hard, you want to make sure you do everything right so it heals right. i have had her in the dark all morning except when i wash her bottom amd to visit this morning. do i need to spend alot of time with her or leave her by herself most of the time?
the3ofus+oursixchicks :

ok we just cleaned up. i couldnt get every thing off of her will that be ok? i also put a little granulated suger on the prolapse not much. i read on here about honey, didnt have any honey so i also read about sugar. she pooped and it was some what bloody. she made a grunting noise when she pooped also, is that normal? i clipped some of the feathers back there. this is hard, you want to make sure you do everything right so it heals right. i have had her in the dark all morning except when i wash her bottom amd to visit this morning. do i need to spend alot of time with her or leave her by herself most of the time?

Things are going to be sore back there for her, so pooping probably hurts a bit right now. You cleaned as best as you can, I'm sure it will be ok. You don't need to spend much time with her, but you should probably check on her again this afternoon. The idea is for her to rest, sleep, and heal. If you have something like vaciline(sp?) or preperation H, that might feel a little better on her back there than granulated sugar. If not, sugar will do.​

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