egg is stuck inside skin and is hanging on the hens bottom

I have been following this post and I am sorry about your chicken. I think everyone that is trying to help you said you need to leave her in the dark for at least 2 days. Not sure if this was clear or if you knew this but light triggers egg laying that is why you are supposed to keep her in the dark. When you introduced her to light, it made her eggs start cycling again. If she is now having the same issue as the original post you posted, you need to either take her back to the vet or cull her. Good luck.
Your only two choices right now are either
A) Take her to the vet
B) Cull her.
I understand that she is your pet. But sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Right now, she is suffering with prolasp. And you need to take her to the vet. Otherwise, she IS going to suffer. Maybe, the vet can spay her as somebody previously said. That way you still have your pet, just not an egg laying hen. Either way, she isn't going to give you eggs. So, either keep her and get her spayed or cull her.
I am very sorry
i did ask about any light at all and i was told some light wouldnt hurt. like when you clean her and tlc. i didnt know light triggered egg laying cycle. these are my first chickens to raise myself and i dont know much. i did call the vet and she gave me a bird specialist to call so i did and she said keep her in quiet til morning. then bring her in. i said wont she die, she said no they have seen birds that were like that for upto 3 days. there was a person on here that said she would put her hen up at 5 30 and get her back out at 830 am. i didnt know. i am devestated
the3ofus+oursixchicks :

i did follow all the advice, i did. i kept her in the dark all day except when i cleaned her. i even covered the windows to keep it dark. i did what i was told. i only took her out for a few min. before she went to the nest box we were only out there a few min

I'm sorry it happened again. I don't know too much about a chicken's egg cycle, apart from it's deffinately light affected. I'm sure you were doing your best to follow instructions, but this time around don't take her outside. Set up a food bowl with some of the pellets you feed them, and a treat from your fridge (half a lettice leaf or a bit of some other fruit/vege). Take the food bowl in with you when you check on her, and let her have a bit before you clean her up. Then take the bowl with you when you leave her be, she doesn't need as much to eat as she normally would because she is expected to be vurtually nonactive while she heals. Try to keep the checks to 15min at most (shorter if possible), and no more than three a day(morning, afternoon, and evening). I know she needs a bit of light to be convinced to eat and drink, and for you to see to clean her up, but it's best for her to stay in the dark as much as possible. It's the perpetual 'night' that will break the laying cycle, and give her the rest she needs to recover.

( I'm assuming you will get a doc to fix the problem again)​
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If it's red flesh it's a prolasped vent just make a small slit in the fed flesh hanging out and carefully pull the egg out, once the egg is out push her insides back hen recovered from this and is doing just fine now....good luck!
the3ofus+oursixchicks :

i did ask about any light at all and i was told some light wouldnt hurt. like when you clean her and tlc. i didnt know light triggered egg laying cycle. these are my first chickens to raise myself and i dont know much. i did call the vet and she gave me a bird specialist to call so i did and she said keep her in quiet til morning. then bring her in. i said wont she die, she said no they have seen birds that were like that for upto 3 days. there was a person on here that said she would put her hen up at 5 30 and get her back out at 830 am. i didnt know. i am devestated

I had a feeling you didn't know about the light and egg laying cycle, that is why I wanted to make sure it was clear to you as I noticed it was vauge in the previous posts. I am glad you are able to get more help for your girl tomorrow morning. Keep us posted.

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