egg is stuck inside skin and is hanging on the hens bottom

the3ofus+oursixchicks :

yes i looked under the roost and while i was gone from 5:10 til rounf 7 45 there was like 4 piles of poop.

A very good sign.​
Just read the complete thread. Gosh, I have been waiting for my first egg from our new chickies. Now after reading poor Rosie`s story, I`m not sure I want my chickies to lay eggs. I wish it was daylight so that I could check all their bottoms. I`ll be waiting to see how Rosie and you are in the morning. I wish you the best of luck with the vet visit.
the3ofus+oursixchicks :

They poop a lot when they're sleeping... it's a risk. Every time she poops, more will build up. If it's mostly clean, I would leave her until morning... but from now on keep it as clean as possible, give her a warm soak to lossen it up.

i plan to do that in the morning if she will sit in the water. or at least with a warm wet cloth and pick yeah for me
but its worth it cause i love her so much!!! yes she is still able to poop some. well its 2 am here only round 5- 6 hrs til we rise and shine. when the egg was stuck one vet said keep her in dark and quiet til morning, i said wont she die she said no we have had people to bring in birds that were egg bound for 3 days. so she should be ok ya think?​

I know for humans a warm salt bath does wonders for keeping the wound clean, Im sure it wouldnt hurt if you did it one tablespoon per 1 litre of water??
Then maybe blow dry it?
i didnt call the vet. i thought this morning when i went in with her that iwould. i had something to do this morning. i thought i would when i got home but when i went in to get her to take her outside, i took her out she was walking around i noticed i could see more pink on her bottom insted of poop. it looks so much better the poop is almost off. if i mess with it it bleeds ever so slightly. my plan is to let it fall off its self. i am serious yall i am afraid she will start bleeding. i can tell she does not want me to touch her bottom anymore. this isnt so i am going to wait and see if it fall off. went to check on her outside a few min ago. she was getting a dirt bath. she came up on the poarch and her face was covered in dirt. her comb looked almost brown insted of red. she is having a wonderful time outside today. so today is doing really good. pooping good as far as i know about poop, eating, drinking good. this is not the poop prob like the little chicks have(i dont think) but it looks better today! Praise God!!!

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