egg is stuck inside skin and is hanging on the hens bottom

actually it's the "more light" that is the key there...

that is true of egg binding. where an egg fails to pass properly. this bird was not egg bound technichally, she was prolapsed. there's a difference.

egg bound hens are typically trying to pass eggs with little or no shell laid down (called leather eggs by some), so the contractions to pass the egg are ineffective, and the egg essentially gets stuck. yes some hens do lay 'leather eggs' successfully but it requires a lot more work on the hen's part and some birds just aren't up to it. so by increasing the calcium content of their diet, they are able to lay better shells on their eggs, and thus pass them through without problems.

a prolapse, whether from injury or genetics or who-knows-what, the eggs this bird tried to pass got wrapped in a fold of tissue, and when she tried to expel it, more tissue came out with it, causing the problems she had. prolapse could be because of a "design flaw" where she has an extra fold of tissue that catches the eggs, or simply a matter of chance, or that the egg may have been drier than it should have been and tissue stuck to the shell causing the prolapse.

day length controls a lot of things, not just in chickens. like animals growing longer coats for the winter, shedding in the spring, heat cycles, and the list goes on. in the event that the animal is unable to determine day length (signals sent from the eyes to the brain), then surrounding temperature will send the same signals, but the effect is delayed. day length starts shortenning after June 21st, but it isn't until September or October that the days start getting cooler (and we notice them 'fuzzing up'). so if they have to wait to receive the signals in september or october, then they won't actually start fuzzing until december or january... I have a horse that's been blind for 12 years, and these are some things that she's proven to us year after year... she finally has a winter coat by january, and starts shedding in june or july.

so by decreasing a hen's day length to 6 hours or less, that's telling her that it's winter and conditions are not conducive to starting a family... and increasing their day length will encourage them to lay longer into the winter.

so feeding a layer diet does not automatically mean the hen will lay eggs... day length is a much stronger contributor to that, or you would see a lot more roosters laying eggs IMO.

WOW thanks for all that enlighting information. glad you posted all that!
well someone posted on here that if these things happen to your hen you should put them on a wheat and water diet. they said feeding her the noodles was good. i feed her saltine crackers too. she doesnt like yogurt. ok please someone simplfy this for me. does she need protein or not if i dont want her to lay eggs? what kind of things should i be trying to feed her? i was giving her chick started but someone said she didnt need to much of that cause it had a lot of protein. HELP
the feed i was feeding her was scratch that swhat they recommended at the feed store when i bought them after they got bigger. greens as far as grass outside? if so yes. i was told to cut back her protein if i didnt want her to lay. my chickens are pretty picky. they wont eat all this stuff some people post on herre that theirs eat. i did feed them tuna the other day and they LOVED it. i didnt give it to them anymore cause someone said not to give her much protein.
I haven't read about battery chickens but what changed my mind to switch to "uncaged" chicken eggs was watching an episode of "Dirty Jobs". I can't believe they put those poor chickens in such tiny cages and cutting their upper beak down so they don't peck at each other. SO SAD!
I myself am not for big political type discussions but I too wonder how it is ok to abuse the animals we use for food but not our domestic animals. Seems wierd. Don't get me wrong, I am a meat eater through and through but it does make me wonder why we have to be abusive to the meat we eat.

Yep...its called exploitation of animals. It happens when any animal is submitted to conditions that will give the 'owner' maximum profit. So it goes...puppy farms, fur industry, baby seal hunt, japanese dolphin slaughter, chinese live skinning of dogs, & meat industry. Its all the same. Lowest cost to produce meat/product VS maximum profit outcome. So corners are cut re feeding, sanitation, veterinary care (most industries have none) living conditions etc. With the amount of stress an animal goes under re all stress chemicals released into their bloodstream...antibiotics (so they stay alive in the awful conditions long enuf) & growth hormone (maximum production) u wonder how healthy the actual meat is to eat?? And thats the tip of the iceberg. Vegetarian is a good way to not contribute to the meat industry & cruelty involved, but so many people support it. Disease outbreaks, especially in the pork & poultry industries is due to over production - over crowding of the animals on the properties, EG: excrement runoff during storms. Sorry I could go on but I will stop now. Bottom line.....greed outweighs respect for animals lives.
LOOKIN' GOOD, CHICKY MAMA!!!! Her comb color is back, too, I see!! She really does look amazing, doesn't she?? Wow. Congratulations on getting through that; I know it had to be awful, but it sure looks like the worst is over. She looks very healthy and bright. And if she does lay again, the doctor has fixed that all up, too, and you'll probably never have to go through this with her again!



She looks so gorgeous...I love how smooth her feathers are.
Shes a beauty alright. Glad all is well now xoxox
LOOKIN' GOOD, CHICKY MAMA!!!! Her comb color is back, too, I see!! She really does look amazing, doesn't she?? Wow. Congratulations on getting through that; I know it had to be awful, but it sure looks like the worst is over. She looks very healthy and bright. And if she does lay again, the doctor has fixed that all up, too, and you'll probably never have to go through this with her again!



i hope he fixed it. i dont know if what he did would make her lay right. would it?

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