egg is stuck inside skin and is hanging on the hens bottom

the3ofus+oursixchicks :

the feed i was feeding her was scratch that swhat they recommended at the feed store when i bought them after they got bigger. greens as far as grass outside? if so yes. i was told to cut back her protein if i didnt want her to lay. my chickens are pretty picky. they wont eat all this stuff some people post on herre that theirs eat. i did feed them tuna the other day and they LOVED it. i didnt give it to them anymore cause someone said not to give her much protein.

I've been told that scratch is like candy to a chicken and should only be used as a once in a while treat or in cold weather to help with heat production. I'm not sure about the prolapse but I would hate for you to feed her a diet that isn't good for a laying age hen and have her not only have the prolapse problem but also an egg binding problem. They need to be on a layer diet, IMO, even if you do not want her laying right now. I'm just afraid, for you, that by not feeding her the proper nutrition for her age that you will be facing another problem in the future. I will try to find out more on Monday from the vet that told me that you want to make sure to have them on a good layer diet.​
You're getting a lot of suggestions and advice, but please just keep doing what you're doing because it's working. I'd hate to see you take someone's well meant advice and have it backfire.

By the way, it's a myth that scratch helps keep them warm. Any food does that, not just corn.
oh my goodness i know. one says this, one says that. got my head spinning
i want her to have the whatever she needs but i have to be careful to. thanks to you all for your help.
The pictures of Rosie look great so what you are doing is obviously working for her. I agree with ki4got that controlling her exposure to light like you are doing is really the most important factor in avoiding egg laying and obviously that was what your vet was focused on.

I know reading the forums can be confusing because there is so much advice, and it is often conflicting. I'm sorry I added some to that confusion when I came across another thread on prolapse that suggested a water and wheat diet and gave you the link. Honestly, you can't really go wrong with feeding all your chickens a nutritionally balanced chicken feed formulated for their stage of development. If you live near a Tractor Supply Store they have Grower feed formulated for chickens before they start laying and Layer feed formulated for chickens who have started laying (Of course other farm stores probably have layer feed, too). They also have oyster shell if you want to supplement the calcium levels of laying chickens. People on the forums talk about offering oyster shell "free choice" in a separate bowl because chickens have this amazing ability to just eat what they need of the oyster shell. You can give them "snacks" like chicken scratch or noodles and of course greens, but if they get most of their nutrition from the feed, that best ensures a balanced diet. You know how we give our cats and dogs nutritionally balanced pet food to take the guess work out of providing their nutritional needs, well, chicken feeds basically do the same thing for chickens.
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i went to the feed store this morning and got something called knock out. its supposed to have 11 different grains in it. her poop isnt running today it looks fine and normal. i think i will just keep doing like i am doing pretty much of course i bought that different kind of feed. she has been kinda vocal today in the bathroom by hersel. bock bock booooooooooooooooooooooook. that doesnt means she is going to lay does it?
the3ofus+oursixchicks :

i went to the feed store this morning and got something called knock out. its supposed to have 11 different grains in it. her poop isnt running today it looks fine and normal. i think i will just keep doing like i am doing pretty much of course i bought that different kind of feed. she has been kinda vocal today in the bathroom by hersel. bock bock booooooooooooooooooooooook. that doesnt means she is going to lay does it?

My girls make that same sound and they haven't given me an egg yet so that doesn't mean that she'll lay an egg.​
My girls make that same sound and they haven't given me an egg yet so that doesn't mean that she'll lay an egg.

ROFL... my dorking roo makes the same sounds... i hope he's not trying to lay an egg.
the3ofus+oursixchicks :

LOOKIN' GOOD, CHICKY MAMA!!!! Her comb color is back, too, I see!! She really does look amazing, doesn't she?? Wow. Congratulations on getting through that; I know it had to be awful, but it sure looks like the worst is over. She looks very healthy and bright. And if she does lay again, the doctor has fixed that all up, too, and you'll probably never have to go through this with her again!



i hope he fixed it. i dont know if what he did would make her lay right. would it?​

You really need to get clarification from the vet on wether or not he fixed the prolapse from happening again instead of just hoping she wont lay again. Unless you get her spayed, as soon as she's getting enough daylight to lay again (which could be in the spring since you're keeping her in until Nov) she'll start laying again. It's not wise to hope for it to either be fixed or that she wont lay, when you can just simply ask the vet for clarification. Only the vet knows what he did, people here on the forum can just guess.
i hope he fixed it. i dont know if what he did would make her lay right. would it?

You really need to get clarification from the vet on wether or not he fixed the prolapse from happening again instead of just hoping she wont lay again. Unless you get her spayed, as soon as she's getting enough daylight to lay again (which could be in the spring since you're keeping her in until Nov) she'll start laying again. It's not wise to hope for it to either be fixed or that she wont lay, when you can just simply ask the vet for clarification. Only the vet knows what he did, people here on the forum can just guess.

i meant to say i dont know if what he did would keep her from laying. but i dont think he can tell me she wont lay again. i mean he doesnt know i dont think. all he did was give her the purse surchure to keep her from prolapsing for a while i think. i dont know good Lord. i guess i will have to call and ask. almost positive he will say no that wont keep her from laying. i mean if it would i dont think he would have wanted me to cut her light to try to cut the egg cycle. right. there is so much i still need to learn.
I guess I understood that he fixed it so she won't prolapse, assuming everything heals appropriately. I'm sure she will someday lay another egg, but because of the surgery, prolapse will not be as likely. That is what I'm assuming. Obviously, the vet will be able to answer that better than I would.

Think about making a little list of questions for the vet:

What type of diet should she be on?
Can you recommend a proper feed?
Is it okay if she eats this, that and the other?
Was the intention of the surgery to avoid another prolapse?
What is the prognosis?
Will there still be a possibility of prolapse?

Just think about what questions you have, and maybe there is a vet tech or someone who can answer the questions if the vet is busy. Or maybe ask if they have an email address where you can send them your questions and they can reply to your email so you have it in writing to refer to. They seem very patient and helpful, so I'm sure they'll be happy to advise you on these things.

Chicken advice is confusing. I know I'm confused!

HOWEVER, ONE THING REMAINS CERTAIN: You are CLEARLY doing a fabulous job with Chicken Rosey. She looks wonderful. Her comb is looking good. She appears alert and fluffy. Her pooh-butt is better. Everything is moving in the RIGHT direction! And that is because you've gotten her good help and loved her enough to care about her and do what she needed for her to get well.

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