Egg laying duck breed recommendations?


In the Brooder
May 8, 2024
Good evening everyone! I was wondering if anyone had any breed recommendations for good egg laying ducks? Specifically, ducks that will do good with chickens, (I have Cochins and Barred Rocks) and ducks that are hardy, (can tolerate the heat and cold of MN.) Unfortunately, I have lost two of my hens to sickness and two older hens that are past egg laying. I only have 3 hens laying, and one that will lay when she feels like it. :rolleyes:
I’ve been wanting to try ducks for a while but don’t know much about them, so I’d love to get some recommendations!! :D
Golden 300s, White Layers, Khaki Campbells, and Runners are gonna be your top layer ducks.

I don’t have chickens myself, but I’ve heard of many people letting their ducks and chickens live together no problem. The only thing you’d truly have to worry about is if you get any male ducks; male ducks cannot safely live with chickens.

Ducks should be just fine heat-wise, provided they have ample shade and water. For the cold, they can tolerate down to around 20°F before they’ll need shelter. With proper shelter, they can withstand much, much lower temperatures, well into the negatives.
Golden 300s, White Layers, Khaki Campbells, and Runners are gonna be your top layer ducks.

I don’t have chickens myself, but I’ve heard of many people letting their ducks and chickens live together no problem. The only thing you’d truly have to worry about is if you get any male ducks; male ducks cannot safely live with chickens.

Ducks should be just fine heat-wise, provided they have ample shade and water. For the cold, they can tolerate down to around 20°F before they’ll need shelter. With proper shelter, they can withstand much, much lower temperatures, well into the negatives.
Golden 300s, White Layers, Khaki Campbells, and Runners are gonna be your top layer ducks.

I don’t have chickens myself, but I’ve heard of many people letting their ducks and chickens live together no problem. The only thing you’d truly have to worry about is if you get any male ducks; male ducks cannot safely live with chickens.

Ducks should be just fine heat-wise, provided they have ample shade and water. For the cold, they can tolerate down to around 20°F before they’ll need shelter. With proper shelter, they can withstand much, much lower temperatures, well into the negatives.
Okay, thank you so much! I’ll definitely go check out those breeds! :thumbsup

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