Egg storage

Awesome! Sounds like you've got all your bases covered.

Some of those eggs on CL might be hatching eggs, which is why they are so expensive. But then I know 2 other people who sell eggs. One person sells for $4 a doz, another sells for $2.50.

I sell about 8doz a week, and keep 1-2doz for myself. I have 1 customer that absolutely insisted I was not charging enough for my eggs at $2/doz. She pays me $2/doz, and buys about 4 dozen a month. I keep telling her it's not necessary, but she insists I need to may money to support my hobby
I wish all my customers were like that!
Amazingly, the fertile eggs are $10-12 a dozen! So I guess they are pricey here! ... I assumed you meant she pays you more than $2/dzn and miskeyed. :)
I could easily sell that many a week and still have plenty left, barring chicken deaths. I have 14 happy hens. Got 10 eggs yesterday! :)
The only thing is they aren't huge eggs, which makes a difference I am sure.
I guess I need to get my 2 cents in here. I grew up in the heat of the Hill Country of Texas. I don't remember my mom ever refrigerating eggs, but I guess she did. I can remember the float test because many times, we would find a clutch of many eggs under an old oak tree that God only knows how old some of them were. I can remember always breaking our eggs into a separate bowl just to make sure it wasn't rotten or had a half baked chick in it.
I never wash my eggs unless there is a streak on it and then just a quick wipe with a damp cloth. I do refrigerate my eggs mainly just because its not a big deal to me and I never thought otherwise. The contents are sterile ( I'm a surgical nurse so I know sterile!
until the shell is broken.
I do like the egg rack thing though. I'm going to be shopping around for one. I think $25 is a little on the pricey side.
As for egg carton's I have friends and family save them for me rather than buy them and I save them for the person I buy mine from.
I'm only getting one a day as my girlies are just getting started. I have to give them away when I get too many.
Hello I have a neighbor that has chickens and 2 have come over to our property.. I found a bunch of eggs and did the float test all sank on their side ... I broke several and they did not smell or have odd color. I also broke one on a plate and the white looked normal and I cooked it (for the dog) it did not smell and either. My question is do you think they are safe to eat? Found about 15
Yea, I already have. Watched a few documentaries on Netflix. That's all it took for me. 
We eat deer already, and fresh fish we catch, so now I'm raising chickens to add a little variety to our diet. 
Done with commercial meat. Period.

Yeah we eat deer and in the past we ate quite a bit of rabbit, squirrel and fish. I also like to raise goats for the freezer. I haven't done that in a few years.

It is a bummer to think about not being able to go out to eat now and then and enjoy it. Times are changing.
Quote: I've definitely started from scratch here. I am a born and raised total city slicker.
All the way up to 2011, when my new hubby and I got chickens. His idea. It was 13 six week old half wild OEGB's. And then.....and THEN...he had the nerve to go off to work, and hour away, and leave me all alone with these half wild game birds.!!!!!!!

Well, 7 of them cute lil' babies all reached testosterone sexual maturity...all in the same morning.

Fast forward 2.5 yrs later......we have one game hen left. In 2012, we bought 11 local chicks....8 are Plymouth Rocks..and one is an EE rooster. And we had 2 Barred Rocks.
This past next door neighbor lady friend gave me 3 of her 7 month old cockerels. 1 Barred rock cockerel, and one RIR cockerel. The other third one, the agressive one....he got to be supper.

Now, my point being is......I have also learned to cull and process live birds. As well as raise them, keep them healthy and content. If I can do it...anyone can!!
What do you use to write on the eggs? Pencil? In addition to the date i also want to mark which one is laid by which chicken because one seems to be laying huge yolks.
Yeah we eat deer and in the past we ate quite a bit of rabbit, squirrel and fish. I also like to raise goats for the freezer. I haven't done that in a few years.

It is a bummer to think about not being able to go out to eat now and then and enjoy it. Times are changing.

Yes they are! This month I've been sick twice after dining out. I'm going to be much more careful where & what I eat when dining out in the future

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