Egg thieves Magpies

Percheron chick

Free Ranging
11 Years
Apr 12, 2013
Hudson, Colorado
My chickens are in a converted stall with 2x4 horse wire on the top. Magpies have recently discovered the tasty eggs and will raid the boxes almost as fast as the eggs are laid. Short of putting up all new wire (a new coop and run is in the works and the current one will be a grow out pen only) anyone have some tips on discouraging these pests? I do have 2 nesting pairs of birds but their nests are too high to knock out of the trees. There is some justice however. An owl recently moved in this past weekend and cleaned out one nest of young birds for me.
My mom had that problem. Infuriated her. Her solution, illegal by the way as I know now, was sending us kids out hunting down magpie nests and destroying all the eggs. For legal all I know is keep them out.
I'd knock the nests down but they're about 30' up in the trees. The owl is still hanging around at night so I'm hoping she cleans out the other 2 nests before she moves on. I've got 2 hens sitting right now so I'm just waiting to run out and rescue the eggs. I swear the magpies know that when the hens start singing, it's time for supper!
One thing I remember about magpies is that they are very smart birds. It would not surprise me at all to see that they know when the eggs are laid.

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