Egg trouble - possible lash or something else?


8 Years
Apr 14, 2016
Berkshire, UK

I've had many lash eggs from hens over the years. Most are the yellow cheesy type, varying in size and like a cooked egg mass (hardened puss).

One of my hens, about 3.5 years old, stopped playing a few weeks ago. She's very active, no crop issues, loves her food, however she is thin and her feathers look like she's about to go into moult. They've been like this for about 2 months and I cannot see signs of new feathers yet.

Before she stopped laying, she infrequently laid mishapen eggs, where the shell was not perfectly round and had ridges in it. The contents were fine. Then we had two soft shelled eggs. Again the contents were fine but there was no shell.

Today she has laid another soft shelled egg, where I can see the leathery shell jacket and it has birthed open and there is a lot of egg white. White however she may well have eaten the yolk as I can find no trace of that. What there is along with that is a strange looking, quite red and long lump (about 1.5 - 2 inches long). It's not like any lash egg I've ever seen before, hence the reason why I'm asking if anybody knows if it is a lash egg or not. Clearly there's something not right and where I've had lash eggs in the past where a hen has gone off lay, in my case, it was almost like a clearing out of rubbish and they started laying normally again. Perhaps I was just lucky.

Here is the picture of what came out. I've searched on here and on Google to see if I can find anything exactly like it. And I found one thing which somebody has said was it's an ovary. I find that hard to believe. So if you have any idea what it is, please let me know.

Thank you.

I threw it away but I'll have a look for it. FOUND IT...

It's actually quite squishy and clearly contains liquid, so I opened it up, and you can see the contents in the photo.

She's laid again today. Soft shell, white and yolk. No lash material with it. I'm going to give her some TUMS. They have plenty of oyster shell and are on layers pellets, so there shouldn't be a lack of calcium around.
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It looks like a thick membrane with some albumen inside.
If she's had troubles in the past her shell gland may not be functioning very well.

Sometimes even if hens have available sources of calcium, they either don't consume enough or their body doesn't utilize/process what they do consume. Giving the Extra Calcium may help correct an issue for a period of time - if it does help, then it will let you know she's not getting the calcium she needs or she's not utilizing it very well.
Could she have gotten into some food that may prevent calcium from being taken in, like spinach or something else with oxalic acid in it? Just throwing it out there as another alternative for why maybe she's having issues despite having access to enough calcium sources.
The only thing I can think of is cider vinegar in their water but I've stopped that over a week ago in case it was that affecting the calcium. No spinach, just mainly pellets, scratch (in an evening) and some sun flower seeds. She has grass every now and then but they only forage when I'm with them because the foxes are very bold here and will come into the garden during the day if we are not there.

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