Eggbinding symptoms but no egg


5 Years
Sep 4, 2019
My Coop
My Coop
I came out to the coop this evening to find my hen in the nesting box, looking uncomfortable and acting lethargic. I didn't check on the chickens this morning but I'm almost certain she did lay an egg at some point today. (Five eggs from my five green layers)

She's a high egg production hatchery hybrid. She'll be a year old in March.

A health check showed nothing unusual, except her vent was gaping a little. I assumed egg binding and gave her a 45 minute warm soak with electrolytes. (I've never been good at recognizing by feel if there is an egg in a hen's abdomen.)

After the bath I put on a glove, greased it with olive oil, and stuck my finger in almost all the way. No egg.

She pooped a small, watery poop. Their feeder was empty all day until evening when I found her. She was hungry and ate a little. That could be why her poop was small. I also think she might be a bit dehydrated.

In all ways her symptoms seem like egg binding, except when she walks she isn't waddling and squatting. But she prefers standing or sitting still to moving. Lethargic. She sometimes perks up and wanders a few steps for a couple minutes, but not as much as usual.

Her comb looks normal, but it's a little frostbitten from the cold streak a few weeks ago, so it's hard to tell.

No external parasites or obvious signs of disease. She passed my health check, besides her behavior. I still think her vent is acting off, but that could just be my paranoia.

Her diet is high protein layer feed (20%, if I remember right). We often give them kitchen scraps, and I gave them a bucket yesterday, but all the other chickens seem fine. I don't recall what was in the bucket this time, but I always check for dangerous foods like avocado pits, tomatoes, etc.

Tonight I'll be keeping her inside in a crate. Any guesses as to the issue?
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Could she have become broody or going into a molt?
This isn't broody behavior. She was standing in the nesting box and looking uncomfortable when I found her. No sitting on eggs or clucking. More lethargic than peacefully zoned out.

This isn't like any molt behavior I've ever seen.
How is her breathing? Is her tail moving up and down with each breath? Did you check her crop?
Her breathing seems fine and I haven't noticed any odd tail movement, even in the bath.

Her crop was empty when I found her, because the feeder was empty all day. She ate for a minute when I filled it and then she lost interest and I pulled her away. If she had been eggbound I wouldn't have wanted her to eat. It doesn't feel large now.
This isn't broody behavior. She was standing in the nesting box and looking uncomfortable when I found her. No sitting on eggs or clucking.

This isn't like any molt behavior I've ever seen.
Ah, standing. You hadn't mentioned that.

Well, it wouldn't hurt to give her some extra calcium for a day or two just in case it is some type of issue with an egg or obstruction. About 400iu's, the human pills whole. You should be able to get one in her beak and she should swallow it.
Well, it wouldn't hurt to give her some extra calcium for a day or two just in case it is some type of issue with an egg or obstruction. About 400iu's, the human pills whole. You should be able to get one in her beak and she should swallow it.
Yep, I was just going to suggest this. Give her a Calcium+D3 tablet for a few days and see if that helps. She could be having problems farther down the reproductive tract.
Ah, standing. You hadn't mentioned that.

Well, it wouldn't hurt to give her some extra calcium for a day or two just in case it is some type of issue with an egg or obstruction. About 400iu's, the human pills whole. You should be able to get one in her beak and she should swallow it.
Yep, I was just going to suggest this. Give her a Calcium+D3 tablet for a few days and see if that helps. She could be having problems farther down the reproductive tract.
I don't have any calcium pills or supplements, but I do have dry eggshells that I can crush finely. Will that be enough? Should I also offer food?

I will give her electrolytes in water.

Sorry I missed that! She is standing hunched over or sitting.
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