Egglaying Issues or Internal?


Feb 26, 2025
New to this. Hen that was gifted to me has been laying softer shelled eggs. First they were breaking and she was eating them but after supplementing oyster shells and grit, her eggs seem to be wrinkled with calcium deposits. Also, her eggs have more blood and meat spots. Not sure if this has anything to do with it but her butt is dirty. Not her vent but it seems like feathers under. Any ideas? And how can I help her?
First they were breaking and she was eating them but after supplementing oyster shells and grit, her eggs seem to be wrinkled with calcium deposits. Also, her eggs have more blood and meat spots.
These may be reasons she was 'gifted'.

Is this your only chicken?
Not much you can do but feed a quality chicken ration and hope for the best.
These may be reasons she was 'gifted'.

Is this your only chicken?
Not much you can do but feed a quality chicken ration and hope for the best.
I was gifted four hens. This isn't my only one. I was just curious if anyone thought she had an internal issue or deficiency.
I was just curious if anyone thought she had an internal issue or deficiency.
Hard to say.
If all the other layers are fine, laying 'good' eggs, acting fine(eating, drinking, pooping, moving around OK), then it's probably just that one birds problem.
Best thing to do is keep it simple, feed nothing but a good ration(the oyster shell on the side is good), fresh clean water and wait and see.

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