
7 Years
Apr 21, 2016
Smithfield, VA
Hey guys,
My daughter is hatching her second batch of eggs and we have the incubator in lockdown now. We have 12 eggs, and so far 8 of them have started wiggling. One has pipped externally. We are super excited for our second batch of backyard mutt chicks. So I just wanted to start a conversation of what the chicks could potentially look like AND what the eggs would potentially look like of any hens that might hatch from this pairing. I think I'm pretty sure the brown/cream eggs will come out with more brown or cream eggs from those hens. The blue and green ones I am more interested in. Would the cream color the Rooster carries make the blue eggs, green and the green eggs more mossy or olive colored?

We have a Slash Australorp Rooster (he's almost 1 yr old - March). He's also on his way out. We are hoping to buy some new breed eggs to hatch soon and get a rooster from that batch to let this guy go. He's a good rooster he does his job protecting the hens but he isn't a calm rooster, and so we aren't very secure being around him and that's a no go for us. He can keep protecting the hens though until a replacement comes along. Plus it keeps our flock with new genetics.

The eggs we have under the incubator are:
2 blue
2 pale green/blue
2 Olive Eggers
2 Dark Brown
2 speckled med brown
2 light brown

The breeds we have of hens are:
"Steele Eggers"
Wheaten Marans
Lavender Orpingtons
Cream Legbar
Prairie Bluebell Egger
Sapphire Jewel
1 singular Splash Australorp hen

I'm so excited!
Thanks guys for sharing in my excitement. If you have any pics of Mutt chicks with any part of these combinations feel free to share them!! I will be sharing pictures of the chicks when they hatch and what the potential pairings were from what the egg was. Thanks! :D
I accidentally posted this in the Hatching Egg BST forum, so if you see that there, post here instead. I'll put this thread's link to that one though.
If you add a brown/tan gene (bb) to a blue egg layer (BB), you'll get various shades of green/olive (Bb). If the chicks come from an olive egg, they could either lay olive or brown (Bb/bb). I am not familiar with the genes that make the darker brown like the Marans, but I would assume that putting a tan egg male over a dark egg layer would result in chicks that eventually lay a lighter brown egg.
If you add a brown/tan gene (bb) to a blue egg layer (BB), you'll get various shades of green/olive (Bb). If the chicks come from an olive egg, they could either lay olive or brown (Bb/bb). I am not familiar with the genes that make the darker brown like the Marans, but I would assume that putting a tan egg male over a dark egg layer would result in chicks that eventually lay a lighter brown egg.

We have 2 hatched so far. Another 8 have pipped and two more who are wiggling but have not yet pipped. I think - the two that hatched are quite rambunctious so I can’t see if the two that may have not pipped yet have but it is on the botttom.


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We have a total of 8 hatched out of 12. 3 more are still unzipping through probably through the night and then we will have 11 out 12 hatched. The final egg which would be 3rd Unknown down never pipped so idk about a full dozen hatched. I am not very hopeful for the last egg but we will see what tomorrow brings.
You know if you spend a lot of quality time with them as a chick the roosters have a good chance of being friendly. Also congrats!

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