eggs starting to hatch, but possible humidity problem!

well, I found out the problem- it was correct that my other hens were crushing the eggs when trying to lay their own where Wynona is nesting. Wynona knows her chicks are hatching and so she was not as willing to move over so there was likely a bit of a squabble. This morning I looked in the coop and Wynona had 1 chick hatched, all perfect and fluffy. Peeked in a couple hours later, the chick was next to her, killed. The other hens jumped over the pen I put up around to protect, must have pushed Wynona over to lay their eggs and found the chick and pecked it to death. I know the other hens were in the nest b/c there were fresh eggs layed. I am so sad
What we did was put Wynona in a small cage, keeping her in the same place in the coop. It took her a couple mins, but she settled quickly in the nest inside the cage. Her last fertile egg is hatching, I hope it will make it. This last one's shell got a little crumbled the last time the other hens got in the nest. I never had a problem with the other hens bothering my broody hen and chicks. The only thing they'd ever do is chase the little ones away from the food, but that was when the chicks were older and outside. Now I know better to separate my broody from the beginning so this doesn't happen again.
Aww I hope her last little one makes it! I know it is hard to lose them. I put my broody in a large rabbit cage in the coop. It was a pain to get her out once or twice a day to let her poo and eat, but in the end it was worth it. Let us know about the last one.
thanks I surely will let you know. That is pretty much what I used, a large rabbit cage. Once this last one hatches (fingers crossed!) I am going to keep them separate from the group so there are no more incidents like this.
the last chick hatched and is doing great! After a couple days I am going to move hen and baby out of the main coop (they're in a small cage in there) and into my husband's barn, so they are not stuck in a cage
Then after a couple weeks I will let them go with my flock under strict supervision to make sure the chick is not pecked at. I will see how baby does w/the rest of the girls and if all is well during the day the can stay w/the flock and at night I will put mama and baby in a cage together.

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