Eggs underwater?


Mar 16, 2025
We have had 3 female indian runner ducks for about a year now. We have a lot of land and a small lake that they have free roam of. In the last 5ish months we’ve noticed that there are a lot of duck eggs just at the bottom of the lake. They have a floating duck house and a small island that wild ducks sometimes nest on but for some reason they seem to be laying in the water? They do lay in the duck house as of recently but we’re still seeing eggs at the bottom of the lake. Is there a way we can prevent this? Are they missing something?
Prolific layers will do that. Perhaps they do not feel comfortable in the place where you want them to lay/where they should lay. Wild ducks tend to be a bit more aggressive than domestic and maybe they have frightened them from using the island. Can you give them more room and some dedicated nesting area in the house?

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