

In the Brooder
Sep 9, 2024
I made scrambled eggs this morning with our farm fresh eggs, but the odd thing is we had a strong almost puetant smell and tastes when I took a bite. I could not finish, why would this be? I float tested the eggs and all good, the yolks look perfect and I didn't smell at the time of cracking. One yolk was very dark almost an orange/red, but looked fine otherwise. Any ideas what could of caused the taste. Will it always be like that? They are new layers for about 2 going on three weeks now and I feed Kalmbach all flock and mix with layer feed. They get veggies and soldier flies for treats and fruit as well. At one point some were unwashed on cou ter for a week then I moved to the fridge not sure if any of this helps. They are all helathy babies and no issues.
What kinds of fruits/veggies are you feeding them? I've heard that feeding them asparagus can alter egg taste.
What kinds of fruits/veggies are you feeding them? I've heard that feeding them asparagus can alter egg taste.
I give them, broccoli,corn,squash,lettuce,cabbage and bell peppers. For fruit, I do watermelon,strawberries,blueberries and grapes.

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