Electric fence containment


In the Brooder
Feb 17, 2025
northeast Pennsylvania
I’m Looking at electric poultry netting to contain my flock, Mostly to keep them separated from where My dog goes because I’m sure she would roll in their crap. Is it worth electrifying it or will unelectrified keep them in?
My experience with electric fencing is electrify for a while so that everyone either gets shocked or gets close enough to hear what's going on (like horses dont need to touch it, they know... ) Then after a while you can leave it off and they'll still not mess with it.
Is it worth electrifying it or will unelectrified keep them in?
It depends on what you're concerned about. I don't think I've ever seen the birds get zapped on mine and I'm not sure electrifying it is at all necessary to keep them in — I think it looks pretty solid to them.

However, electrifying it will make a big difference in keeping out predators.

Whether your dog will try to challenge it (in which case you will need to electrify it) would depend on your dog, so if other predators aren't an issue and your dog isn't aggressive toward the chickens you could wait and see, that is just electrify if you find it's necessary.

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